Chapter 4 (2)

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Seth's POV

"Seth?" Adrianne asked, sitting next to me.

"Yeah?" I said, letting her sit next to me. We both looked at the stars together, not saying much to one another.

"What advice do you have for being pregnant?" She spoke.

"Well for starters, don't drink any type of alcohol substances. Don't take drugs, don't get stressed as well as depressed, don't eat under cooked meats and absolutely don't lift heavy shit." I told her.

"Thanks. I know I could count on you." She smiled, hugging me.

"No problem. What are you hoping the baby should be?" I asked.

"A girl." She shrugged. I blinked my eyes from tears, trying not to think of Selena, my unborn daughter.

"R-really?" I said, my voice shaking.

"Yeah." She smiled.

"Good for you." I said, bursting into tears.

"Seth, I know you and Glory are still heartbroken that you two never had a daughter, but it's been 6 years." She placed her hand on my shoulder for comfort.

"I just can't believe you would say such a thing." I sniffed.

"It was a mistake. I hope you can accept my apology." She said.

"I don't think I will. I'm going home." I got up and went back inside. I found Glory talking to Peter about something. "Glory, we're going home." I interrupted.

"Okay." She shrugged. Oliver and Mason were playing together and I told them that we're leaving. They shrugged and got up.

"Tom, it was a nice Thanksgiving dinner. Have a good week." I said, opening the door to the kitchen and found him and Zawe making out.

"No problem. See you next week." He answered, hugging me.

"You too." I smiled. Later that day, as I was taking my contacts off along with my thigh braces, I winced in pain. "Shit!" I screamed.

"Seth, are you okay?" Glory asked, entering the bathroom.

"My thighs are still burning like hell." I told her. We went to our room and I laid in bed, trying not to scream or swear in pain some more.

"It's okay. Just breathe in and out." Glory assured me. I was breathing heavily, looking up at the ceiling, tears on my eyes.

"FUCKING HELL!!!" I screamed, crying at this point. "IT FUCKING HURTS LIKE HELL!" I shouted.

"I know." She told me. I was in so much pain that I felt like I was going to die.
Or worse, I'll have my legs amputated.

I stopped breathing heavily my eyes began to shut. Goodbye, cruel world. Take care of my family and friends. I thought to myself. I woke up in the hospital, looking around and saw Glory there, holding my hand. She had tears in her eyes and I didn't know what was going on. "Seth, I am so glad you're okay. I thought I lost you." She sniffed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Your burns are so bad that you'll have to stay in bed for a while until they are fully healed." She explained.

That day, I was being fed mostly smoothies and liquid foods since I can't get up and eat anything hard. Glory decided that Oliver and Mason can be with Rachael and Spencer until I'm fully healed. As for The Orville, Glory and I are going to miss a few table reads and filming. I couldn't walk mostly, unless it was to the bathroom and that's almost about it.

"Glory, can you get me my book." I asked her. She was eating a sandwich.

"Dude, I'm eating." She swallowed it.

"I asked if you can get my book for me. I mean, I can't walk anywhere in the house, unless it's the bathroom." I told her.

"Okay." She shrugged, putting her plate down and going to the library. Years ago, I decided to have a library for my house and since then, I've placed all my books I owned into shelves. "Here's your book, my love." Glory handed it to me.

"Thank you, mí señorita." I grabbed her wrist and kissed her. She kissed me as well.

"Sweet boy." She pinched my cheek in a cute way.

"I am a sweet boy." I smiled like a child.

"Does wittle Sethie want his pudding?" Glory talked to me like a baby.

"Yeah!" I said in a high pitched voice.

"Does wittle Sethie also want his orange juice?" She continued.

"Yes!" I exclaimed.

"What's the magic word?" She smiled.

"Pweaseee." I said with puppy eyes.

"Okay." She giggled, kissing my nose. Later that afternoon as I was reading, Glory was sleeping peacefully, I went to grab the remote and turned the TV off.

"Fuck." I said quietly, the pain  unbearable. I quickly laid back in the couch, making the pain unbearable. Weeks, which seemed like years, my thighs were still hurting but they weren't like before. Instead, they would make me walk a little slower than usual.

"Seth, maybe it's best if you could sit down." Chris reminded me.

"I don't want to." I refused.

"Seth, take Chris's advice and just sit for fuck sake." Mark assured me.

"Okay." I sighed, sitting at the chair. As we began filming, I accidentally screamed the loudest I've done so.

"Cut!" One of the directors said.

"Seth, is everything alright?" Scott asked.

"I can't be here. I need to breathe." I said, walking out of the set of the bridge and took my xanax and swallowed it with water. Let's do this. Three, two, one. I walked back to the set of the bridge and sat in the Captain's chair. "What?" I said, the cast staring at me.

"Seth, you need to go home." J Lee told me. I sighed and got up. I called Glory to pick me up and she did.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Yeah." I breathed, taking her hand.

A/N: Hey, y'all. I hope you enjoyed the second part of chapter 4! Merry Christmas or whatever holiday you're celebrating! Please review, read and follow me! Thank you! ^_^

MacFarlane X Glory (6): The Final JourneyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang