Chapter 7 (1)

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Seth's POV

Flashback, February 2015

Today is the day before Valentine's Day and I was working as usual, seeing that there is no point of celebrating the day if Glory and I can't go out in public. However, we will be eating out at home instead. My office door knocked and I responded: "Come in!" It was my assistant, Jaydi Samuels. She was holding a bouquet of roses.

"Mr. MacFarlane, you got a special delivery from Glory." She said, placing the plant on my desk.

"Thank you, Jaydi." I said and she left the room. I found a note and read it.


I hope you enjoy these roses as much as I do.

Please consider this as our first Valentines Day present to you from me. Lol.

Glory Campos, 02/13/15

P.S. Happy Valentine's Day! :)

I enjoyed the roses, but to be very honest, I can't stand plants that came from a plant store. It defeats the purpose of enjoying them from the grass. I placed the note in my back pocket, but wasn't sure what to do with the roses, without upsetting Glory. I shrugged and continued doing my work. The door knocked again. It was  Mila.

"Hey, Seth. I'm sorry to barge in, but there is something wrong with the audio." She told me. She saw the roses and didn't say anything.

"What???" I got out of my chair and went with her to the recording room. We were there and the guys were trying to fix it.

"Sir, we have no idea how this is happening." One man told me.

"Shit." I said, muttering under my breath. "Okay, whatever happens don't–" I was about to say but one of the plug in's exploded and we all crouched down.

"You guys okay?" Mila asked us.

"Yeah." I said, feeling my body trembling with fear.

"Never better." The men pointed out. Later that day, I went to my car, started the engine and drove back home. Afterwards, I went to park the car and walked to the door. I got in and found Glory in the living room, doing her homework.

"Hey, cutie bunch." She giggled, kissing me.

"Hi." I smiled, kissing her back.

"So, how was work?" She asked.

"Kind of dangerous." I told her, explaining what happened. She then touched my hair and my face to see if I got any scratches or burns.

"Thank god you're okay, Sethie." She frowned, kissing me some more.

"Yeah." I said, kissing her. We were watching TV together, holding each other's hands and Glory placed her head on my arm.

End of flashback

Right now, Glory and I are in the basement, doing pottery together. We decided to reenact the famous pottery scene from Ghost. Only difference is that we're both wearing white.

"This is nice. Just the two of us alone while the boys are out." I told her.

"Yeah." She smiled.

"Glory, I don't care if you were 14 and I was 41 when we first met. I think you're still intelligent and beautiful." I said, working on the hollow part of the cup.

"I think we both got lucky. We were looking for love. Only difference is that you're 27 years older than I am." She laughed.

"God, we were so cringey." I laughed as well.

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