Chapter 12 (2)

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Oliver's POV

When the table read stopped for a break, I went through my wallet, checking my money. Good, at least I have enough for a candy bar and a peanut butter cracker. I said to myself. Mason and I walked to the vending machine and I got our snacks. I consider Skittles to be a candy bar, despite what others think or say. If they tell me again it isn't one, then they are missing out.

"Oliver, how many Skittles are there inside the packaging?" Mason asked, pointing to it.

"I think it's about 10." I shrugged as we sat down, eating our snacks.

"That's a lot." He smiled, holding his hand out for one. I gave three colors to him and he smiled happily. "Tastes like happiness." He gushed.

"That's the point, little bro. Can you taste the rainbow?" I laughed, pulling out a green Skittle and placing it in my mouth.

"Yeah. Now I know why unicorns poop rainbows out." He laughed as well and we were laughing hysterically. Mason may be my brother and all, but he's definitely my only actual friend and I'm glad I have him in my life.

"Oliver, what do you think we should do later?" He asked, handing me a peanut butter cracker.

"Ask Mami and Papi if they can take us to a candy factory. I found one called Sugar Factory and it looks pretty." I explained. Later that day, we were playing Go Fish. Papi was reading his script with his glasses on and Mami was cooking dinner.

"This is bull." Papi said, getting angry.

"What's wrong, Seth?" Mami asked.

"I cannot believe I have very little lines in this so called 'show'." He told her.

"That's what happens when you agreed to work on a mini series based on Roger Ailes." She laughed.

"Glory, this isn't funny! I actually thought I was going to be getting more content than I should. Just fucking great!" He screamed.

"Seth, think about the children!" She exclaimed.

"I'm suing Tom for this shit!" He grabbed his phone and began dialing it.

"Seth, quit acting like a child!" Mami demanded.

"It's better than nothing!!!" Papi shouted.

"I'm sorry, but did I hear a certain person tell me that if I act stupid, our kids will think differently of me?" She said, referring to 3 weeks ago.

"Quit talking." He said, using his index finger.

"Give me the damn phone!!!" She screamed, trying to get it.

"Never!!!" He lifted it up and she took it. They ended up fighting over the phone. The back of it as well as the screen broke afterwards. "Look at what you made me do!!!" Papi shouted.

"We're going to play in the deck, instead." I told them.

"That's fine by me. Glory, what the hell is the matter with you!!!" Papi said, his face red from anger. That night, we ate our dinner in silence and didn't say anything. Afterwards, Mason and I went to our room and watched Netflix.

The door opened and it was Papi. He had an annoyed look on his face and sat down in the chair. "I'm sorry you two heard me and your mom arguing with each other. Sometimes, I don't understand why I act like this, but if you guys can forgive me, I would be more grateful than ever." He said.

"We were focusing on our go fish game." I told him.

"Oliver, be honest. You and Mason were listening to me swear my brains off." He sighed.

"And I am! Mason can vouch for me. Right, little bro?"

"Right. See, no need to worry, Papi."

"Now, can you please leave us alone."


A/N: Sorry for another short chapter. I wrote this today later than usual so I'm late, but I promise the next chapter will be better. If you liked this one, feel free to R&R. Don't forget to follow me. Thanks! ❤️

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