Incoming, And Goodbyes

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"Wait." Dak said looking around, "where's Burple?"

"INCOMING!" Burple came hurling at the gang in a ball, with full speed ahead.

"MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" Leyla shouted as Burple hit all of the men surrounding the gang.

"Oof!" Burple said as he hit the ground.

"You okey burps?"

"Yeah. Thanks Layla!"

"We're not done yet guys." Dak pointed out turning towards Krogan.

"Very good boy." Krogan replied pulling out a sword.

"Ok we just need to get out of here!" Hiccup stated as Snotlout nodded very sheepishly.

Just then, Burple shot all his rocks at Krogan, but sadly, he missed every single one.

"Nice try. But not your best." Krogan threw a net around Burple and then sprayed some weird stuff. It stank horrendously.

"Arg! Ugh!" Aggro grunted.

"Are you sure your okey?" Krogan asked with a smile.

"IM FINE! Arg!" Now Aggro was panting. Panting horribly.

"Aggro, are you positive?" Cutter had a worried look on his face.

"Oh no!" Leyla said.

"What what is it?" Cutter asked.

"The babies!"

They all fell down. Asleep

Aggro's POV:

"Arg! Ugh!" I grunted there was a tremendous ache in my side.

"Are you sure your okey?" Krogan asked with a smile.

"IM FINE! Arg!"  Now I was seeming to be panting. Panting horribly.

"Aggro, are you positive?" Cutter had a worried look on his face. I felt bad for him

"Oh no!" Leyla said.

"What what is it?" Cutter asked.

"The babies!" Was all I heard Leyla say before I was in a different place.

I awoke, was I asleep? How did I get here. There was a cell across from me. But I was in one too.

I tried to breath Fire but nothing came out.

"Good luck with that." Krogan said, "that most I sprayed took it all away. Don't bother on recharging either, it's gone for good!"

"What?" I heard cutter yelp.

"Yeah. You all can go. I have what I'm here for!"

I glanced over and noticed three beautiful eggs laying on some straw next to a fire. "No!" I cried, "GIVE THEM BACK! GIVE THEM BACK I YELL YOU!"

"Come on," he opened all of our cells and pulled us out one by one up the wooden stairs and onto a long platform, before throwing us into the see.  "Good luck! And thanks for the babies!

"We need to get them back." I said.

"I won't let them live like this Aggro! Don't worry!" Cutter reassured me. "But right now we need to focus on where we are and how to get back home!"

I took a deep breath in, and then out. "Okey!"

"We've got a new mission!" Leyla told, "we need to survive, live, and find an island. And we're not going to be able to do this without a plan! Whose with me?"

We all cheered.

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