Chapter 2

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A/N If someone is talking in a chat its gonna have  this '. Anyways, Enjoy :)

TommyInnit's POV

'What vc brov' Not even a second later Wil started calling me. I joined after a second. 

"Whats up?" I looked up and then back at my pc. Damn flies argh.

"Tommy. I need help with a video can you join the voice chat in our group chat?" Wilbur had me scared for a second, but he does, as he does. 

"YeA give me one second." I left Wilbur's call and joined the group chat call. 

"What are we recording today?" I looked around for a second on my desk. I forgot to grab my coke. I'll do it in a second. 

"We are recording a mod video." Wilbur had just joined the call. What a bastard. Him making me think I did something wrong! 

"Alrighty then boys! Whats the mod pack?" I usually used a coke to hype me up, but as I said before, I had just ran out. 

"I don't know, Wil still hasn't even shared it with us." Philza Minecraft! The man who made Minecraft. 

"Alright there it is, the mod pack is apparently where the blocks can attack us. George let me borrow his video idea." I immediately thought of that time where Big Q got mad at me for stealing his video idea. 

"Who all is recording this with us?" I simply just wanted to add Deo to the call so I could make fun of Wilbur with him.

"Me You and Phil." I guessed Wilbur already guessed what I was about to say, "And nobody else." I laughed at that a little when I heard stomping foot steps coming up the stairs I tried to leave or at least mute myself. I failed miserably.

"Thomas Simons. Come out of your room NOW!" I heard my dad yell and then scream at the last part. 

"y-yeah?" I timidly opened my door and looked up at my father. He was drunk. Shit. My dad had a broken beer bottle in his hands and I knew what was about to happen. 

"Uh- dad?" I stuttered out the words as he lifted the bottle from his side to above his head. Then he swung the bottle down, just barely missing my head, though it got my chest and shirt. I fell, hearing a huge thud. I knew he wasn't gonna go easy. He started swinging one after another until I was almost passed out, then he left and slammed my door shut. I heard a click and presumed he locked me in my room. 

"Tommy?" I heard Phil through the headphones that lied right by my head, I put the headphones on and tried to get up and go to my mic. I just couldn't so I just turned onto my stomach and slowly inched myself towards my chair. 

"Phil..." I weakly said, and slowly got into my chair. 

"Tommy! Are you okay!?" I heard the concern in Philza's voice. 

"n-no.. hel-" and I then blacked out. 

Philza's POV 

I heard Tommy collapse and black out. I quickly left the call, got up and ran downstairs. I grabbed my keys, jumped in my car, and drove to Tommy's house. (Phil knows where Tommy lives because Phil sometimes had to take Tommy to school because of how cold it got during the winter.) I ran up to Tommy's door and knocked. I heard the door open. 

"Hello?" I heard the man who had hurt Tommy. I pushed him out of the way, and unlocked Tommy's door. Why was there a lock on the outside and not on the inside? I opened the door to a horrifying scene. 

"Tommy!!" I yelled loudly to let know Wilbur know I was there with Tommy. Keeping him safe. God he looked horrid... There was blood scattered around his room, from where I presumed he was beaten to his chair was a LOT of blood. 

"Tommy.. What happened...?" I whispered to myself, I knew he was passed out I just didn't want to believe it. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST BARGING INTO MY HOUSE LIKE THIS!!" I heard his father yell from behind me, but when I looked down at Tommy, I couldn't hear anything but the soft breathing coming from his very frail body. 

"What did you do to him." I never acted like this. Now Tommy was hurt. I couldn't let him stay with a dickhead like this. 

"I did nothin-" Something interrupted him through Tommy's headphones.

"Wil?" I heard Wilbur sigh, I unplugged Tommy's headphones so his dad could hear Wilbur. 


"Wha-" He got cut off again, I wasn't stopping this because I agreed with Wil.

"DON'T YOU DARE ACT LIKE YOU DID NOTHING!" I heard Wilbur's voice crack, he was really upset. 

"..." There was a moment of silence. 

"Phil. Plug the headphones back in." I guess he heard himself. 

"Yeah whats up..?" I tried to hide the pain in my voice but I couldn't. 

"Get Tommy's shit and leave with him." Wil was serious about this. 

"Okay. PC and everything?" I whispered into the mic making sure his dad didn't hear me.

"yeah, everything." Wilbur went silent so I took that as my que to leave and grab all of Tommy's shit. 

"What are you doing with my sons shit?" I looked him straight in the eye. 

"Taking him away. Making sure I become the GOOD father." His father looked confused and then realized what I was doing. 

"Finally! Get that brat out of here!" His father didn't seem the least bit worried. I was so upset that I got up and smacked him. I continued packing Tommy's things and grabbed Tommy. Holding him like he was a baby, his breathing was barely there. I called the police once I left. I waited outside for them. I was crying, just even looking at Tommy in the condition he was hurt so bad. 

"Oh my goodness!" Who was here now? I hadn't heard any sirens or anything. 

"Eret?" I looked up to see Eret looking at Tommy in horror. 

"have you called the ambulance yet?" He started to cry too. 

"yeah their on their way." Just as I said that, like fucking magic, they showed up. 

"I will put Tommy in the back." I looked at the person who was coming out of the back. 

"Okay, but you better hurry, we got to get him bandaged as soon as we can!" I carefully and quickly put Tommy in the back, Eret and I were allowed to go back there as well. 

"What happened?" The girl who I presumed was the doctor asked. 

"His father is a complete and utter asshole." I kept my head towards Tommy, I couldn't believe that this happy boy was just wearing a mask to the people around him. 

"His father did this?" Eret looked at me in shock. 

"yeah.." The rest of the way to the hospital was silent and sad. Tommy was such a happy person. I can't believe this is the shit he was dealing with. Once we got there the doctors took him and we sat outside his room. 

"You are free to visit him, he has awoken, but only one person at a time." Eret looked at me and nudged me to go first. so I did, I walked in to see him bandaged all over the place, his chest, his legs and his arms. With a feeding tube, and a water tube. With a oxygen mask keeping him alive. 

"Tommy?" I looked at him and felt the ocean of tears breaking down the dam I tried to keep them in. 

"Hey Phil... Thank you for coming to save me..." He looked like he was struggling to talk. I went over to him and hugged him. I couldn't take it, the ocean broke the dam and I started slowly but silently crying. I sat in the chair beside him. 

"Hey bud.. You don't have to talk, I'll just give you questions you can use a facial expression to answer with..." He looked at me with a fond smile. I had never seen him smile like that. It just broke my heart. 

"Has he been doing this for a long time?" He gave me a look that meant 'No', good to know.

"Do you want me to leave you alone?" He gave me the most emotional look meaning no. It broke my heart to see him like this. 

"No... don..t!" His voice was so raspy and broken that it hurt me more then it did him.

"Okay I won't leave." I smiled, letting him know he was safe.

Tommy's POV

It hurt so much to talk and to see Phil look so sad. I didn't want him to leave. He gave me the softest smile I have ever seen, and I calmed down. I smiled just a little. Though it hurt. 

"Thank you Phil.."


WORDS: 1526!!

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