Chapter 5

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TommyInnit POV

Things were going well, and Phil was here with me. After I had healed well, or, well enough, they had decided it was okay that I had been on my way. When I went home with Phil, there was something at the front door. I looked down and saw at least four parcels. I was ecstatic to see what was in them.

When Phil and I got inside, we opened the packages. As it turns out, it was the stuff for my bed. The desk had already arrived days before, so I was ready to set my bed up. While I was waiting for Phil, I had looked at the bed model he got me. I loved it. It was a beautiful soft brown color. The bedsheets that came with it were red. It reminded me of the red Minecraft bed. The pillowcase was white and fluffy.

I was surprised to see everything was in the room already, and the desk matched with the new bed. My PC was there too. Everything was already there waiting for me. While Phil was setting up the things he got me, I was admiring the garden he had. It was small, but it was beautiful. 

I guess I hadn't noticed Phil come out because when I turned around, sure enough, he was there.

"Hello, Toms. I just finished with the bed. Do you want to help me drag in the mattress?" I looked back at the garden full of red roses and yellow dandelions. 

"Sure, why not." To say the least, Phil appreciated my help. When I saw the mattress, I wasn't sure it was gonna fit it through the door, but to my surprise, it did. After we finished my bed, it was time for my PC. I had already done this a couple of times, so I let Phil take a break. 

After I finished, it was time to eat. Since I had been eating now, thanks to the hospital, I can eat with no problem. I was actually a bit hungry, but I hadn't noticed since I was working on my PC.

"Philll!! I'm hungry!" I heard him chuckle. 

"Alright! What do you want to eat?" I had to pause and think about it. What did Phil have around here?

"I dunno! Probably chicken noodle soup?" I replied.

"Sounds good to me! I will start cooking now." I didn't know he had these things on hand. Then I realized. Where is Kristen? 

"Oi, where is your wife? Just a bit curious." I was. I wasn't gonna lie.

"Oh, she went out to get you some clothes. I noticed yours were a bit small on you." They were getting small. I just hadn't gotten the money to get more clothes. 

"Okay! If you see her before me, tell her I said thank you!" I smiled. This felt like what a family should be. 

They only pity you.

They don't really care. 

Just give up.

I knew that wasn't true. Both don't pity me. Plus, I wasn't about to give up, especially with Phil as my new 'Dad.' I guess I had fallen asleep because I woke up and heard Phil softly calling my name from my door. 

"Hey, Toms, it's time to eat." 

"Alright..." I replied tiredly. I got up and cleaned myself up. I headed down to the kitchen when I was done. I sat down at the table on the side of the table that was closer to the hallway where my room was. 

"Soups done, bring your bowl up here and grab some." Phil grabbed his bowl and poured the soup into his. Only getting just enough to fill the bowl. I grabbed mine and got about half the soup he did. I wasn't really that hungry since I had just woken up. When we both sat down, we heard a knock at the door. 

"Phil, it's me, Kristen! I forgot my keys inside!" I got up and let her inside. 

"We just got soup finished if you want some," I added then I sat back down, "I think it's pretty good." I took a sip of the juice from the soup. It was warm and tasted amazing!

Kristen grabbed a bowl and started eating with us after she had put my new clothes in my room. After we all finished, I politely excused myself from the table to go to my room. I wanted to talk to Wil and tell him how amazing Phil and Kristen are. 

I turned on my PC and opened discord. I clicked on Wilbur's dm and started ringing him. Eventually, he picked up.

"Hello, Tommy!" I was super excited to tell Wilbur.

"Hello, Wilbur! I am super excited to tell you how AMAZING Phil and Kristen are!" I heard a slight gasp. 

"Tell me everything, I am excited to finally hear how you are doing with them." I heard a smile in Wilburs voice. You couldn't see it, but you could tell he was smiling and dancing.

After I told him everything that had happened, he was taken aback. 

"Wow!" I heard him exclaim.

Sorry for short chapter.

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