Chapter 9

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A/N I dunno how long I am gonna do this for, so if I end abruptly, just know its because I got bored of this book. ALSO THIS IS AN ANGSTY CHAPTER

"Yeah, hopefully!" I laughed. 


My wrist hurts, there is no reason for it to hurt. I mean besides last night. Dad threw me to the floor, I heard a crack and my wrist hurt, I thought I just popped it. I think I might have broken my wrist now though. It hurts a lot and I can feel something moving in my wrist. I just need to suck it up. 

"You're gonna cry?! SUCK IT UP LITTLE BITCH!" I nodded, blinking my tears back. 

"What was that?" I slowly opened my mouth. 

"Yes sir." He excused me to my room. I quickly ran up the stairs, and got on my PC, hopefully Tubbo was on. 

'hey tubbo, can we call?' 


I laughed quietly to myself that Tubbo didn't spell 'sure' right. 

"Hello Tommy!"

"Hey Tubbo. How are you?" Tubbo must have noticed how upset I was. 

"I'm good, why do you sound so sad?" I turned around. 

"No reason, just my moth that I found outside died, I named her Clementine." Tubbo awed at me. 

"Tommy, we can get you a new moth!" 

"Really?! That'd be great." I tried to sound happy, though I could tell I was gonna bruise on my wrist. 

"Can I come over to your house tomorrow?" I asked Tubbo. 

"Let me ask my parents!" I heard Tubbo's door open and close, followed by footsteps. I waited for about 2 minutes before Tubbo came back up the stairs. 

"SHE SAID YES!! AND THAT IF YOU WANTED YOU COULD SPEND THE NIGHT!!" Tubbo celebreated loudly while I celebrated quietly. 

"I'm excited, well I better sleep, we have school tomorrow after all, and I need to get homework done. Bye bye Tubbo!" 

"Bye Bye Tommy!" I logged off, and grabbed my math text book, I pulled up the math website, and did some of my math. Soon after I finished one assignment, I passed out.

"Useless child. Wake up." I got up, and got ready for school. I grabbed my usual hoodie, and some gray shorts. I grabbed my white socks, and changed in the bathroom, making sure I looked presentable enough. I looked at the time and it said 7:40. I have 20 minutes to get to the school and get to class. 

I started sprinting to the school, most people just stared at me while I ran. I wasn't going to admit it, but I loved running. I could probably be in track or cross-country if I wanted to. 

"Tommy!!" I ran up beside Tubbo. 

"Hey Tubbo." I still wasn't out of air, so I didn't need to take a break. 

"You should do track or cross country this year. You are really good at running, we would be able to go win the state track meet!" I smiled. I didn't want to break it to Tubbo that I wasn't gonna do track or cross country, I would probably pass out if I were to join. 

"I'll think about it." I just said that so he wouldn't get upset. I would join track if I didn't have to show my wrists. 

"YES!!" I laughed. 

"Anyways, we have like- 10 minutes to get to class, lets race!" I ran way faster than Tubbo. 

"Woah is that kid outrunning the best runner in track and cross country?!" I heard people whisper and yell. I ignored it, I just wanted to race Tubbo. 


"Y-YEAH!!!" I heard him run out of breathe, I slowed and gave him the water that was in the water bottle mesh pocket. 

"Drink it, idiot." I smiled and watched as he took a big drink out of it. 

"How did you not break a single sweat?!" I saw a few people rush up to me. 

"Well uh- I run in my free time?" I laughed. 

"I've never seen you outside before!" I smiled. 

"I hike on the nearest mountains, and run as much as I can in forests." I laughed it off, and everyone watched in amazement as Tubbo and I ran off. 

"Why are you so fast!" I heard Tubbo yell at me from behind. 

"I don't know!" I laughed. 

Flashback end

"Well- I broke my wrist when I was younger, and I had to ignore it, before Tubbo's parents took me to the hospital to get help for it." Tubbo laughed at the memory. 

"Oh yeaaa! you told me that you felt something in your wrist move, so I got my parents to check it out, and they said that you had to go to the hospital, but you were being stubborn and didn't want to go saying you were fine." I laughed. 

"I remember that!" Tubbo and I laughed at the small memory. 

"According to a professional, they say that this might be a minor 1st degree burn. So it wont take long to heal." I smiled. 

"That's great to hear." Dadza said. 

"But, the reason he isn't feeling anything, except for things placed and the temperature of it is due to the arm having being damaged many times before. May there be a reason for that?" I looked at Phil, and sighed. 

"My parents weren't the best, but I got by, and now these are my adoptive parents, they make life so much better. You can thank my friends to for keeping me alive without them knowing that they were." I heard some gasps come from my phone. 

"I will thank your parents, and your friends for being amazing to you. Even the smallest gesture of kindness can go a long way, kid." KID?! I AM NOT A KID!

"EY I'm not a kid!!" Everyone laughed, and so did I. 

"Anyways, the cuts all around your arm aren't going to take long either, you got pretty lucky. 

"Well, I wouldn't say I got lucky, I am just that skilled." I looked up at the top of the truck. 

"It seems you have made some miraculous recoveries, but have you recovered mentally?" I froze. 

"Yeah, there is some trauma of course, but nothing I can't handle." I smiled widely and they smiled with me. 

"Alright, well were almost there." I felt Phil hug me. I melted into the hug. 

"Tommy! what are you thinking about?" I was back at my desk, and there was no fire. 

"huh- oh sorry Karl." Was that real? Or was it all fake? Maybe that's why there was no pain. 

"It's fine." I smiled. 


"Gotta go, by Karl!" 

"Bye Tommy!" 

A/N I hope you liked the plot twist, bet you weren't expecting that, were ya?

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