Chapter 7

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A/N GO READ MY OTHER BOOKS IF I DON'T UPLOAD FOR AWHILE!!! also warning, a bit of soft Tommy moments :)

Tommyinnit POV

"Toms, that was adorable." I started to curl up into a ball in my chair.

"PLEASE stop taunting me about it Dadzaa..." I sat up in my chair, keeping my hands over my face in embarrassment. 

"Alright Alright, I will. Just get yourself comfy, our food is coming." I released my hands from over my face and looked over at the girl who was dropping our food off. 

"Here you go, please enjoy!" She smiled. 

"Thank you!" I smiled back and thanked her, Phil did the same.

"Anyways, I was thinking, would you like a cow plush that reminds you of Henry?" I smiled.

"Of course! Henry was my favorite cow!" Phil laughed and agreed to take me to a plush store after this. 

"Alright then, I guess you are ready to go?" I smiled after putting my phone down.

"Yep! Everything tasted so good, I think we should leave a big tip, they were very nice here." Philza agreed and we both left £10 so that they would get £20. 

"I heard that there was a shop over near here that we could get a minecraft cow plush over here, near this way." Phil brought us to a place that looked somewhat like the Cat café. I didn't pay any attention to what the store name was. I just looked around for the cow plush. While I did that, Phil walked up to the cash register. 

I soon found the plush, and grabbed it, then I found a fox and a bee plush for Wilbur and Tubbo. 

"Hey Philll!" 

"Yea mate?" 

"Can I get Tubbo and Wilbur something?" I heard Phil laugh.

"Yea, just don't make my wallet cry!" I laughed. 

"Alright!" I grabbed the bee plush and the fox plush. I walked over to Phil and found him talking to the man at the cash register.

"I would like these plushes." Phil smiled and pulled out his wallet. 

"That will be £13.09." Phil payed, and I grabbed the plushes. 

"Let's get going back now, Kristen might get upset that I'm not helping her cook tonight." Phil laughed as we started walking home. We had talked about so many things. As soon as we got home, Phil went straight to the kitchen to help Mumza and I went to my room and set the plushes down. 

I opened discord, and called Tubbo and Wilbur. 

"Are either of you guys streaming?" I asked.

"I'm not, I'm not sure about Tubbo though." Wilbur commented. 

"I am, everyone is not being very good right now, I had to tell Ranboo to leave the call for a bit so I could calm them down, chat was not very happy about your sudden disappearance. They have calmed down since they know you are okay now!" I laughed. 

"Anyways, I got you guys stuff! Philza Minecraft and I went to this super nice place where they had a bunch of plushies, I got a cow one, to remind me of Henry, I got you too something, also you can show chat, so they can say aw with seven w's." Wilbur and Tubbo laughed. 

I grabbed the plushies and hid them under the table. 

"Alright, here is Wilbur's first." I held up the fox plush and Wilbur smiled widely. 

"Awww it looks like Fundy!!!" I smiled a very big smile. 

"Now Tubbo, here is yours!!" I held up the bee plush, I watched as Tubbo sat up so fast in his chair. 

"BEE!!! Omg I love bee's!!" I smiled and laughed. 

"I'm gonna send them to you guys, but I thought I would show stream so they know that I, the great Tommyinnit, is okay!" Tubbo, Wilbur, and I laughed. Wilbur said his goodbyes and left the call.

"I will hop on the SMP so you have a bit of a chill chat now, and can hangout with Ranboo as well!" I joined the Smp and told Ranboo he can come back. 

"Tommy?" I laughed. 

"Hello Ranboo! I helped calm down chat so you, Tubbo, and I could hangout without you having to leave so Tubbo could calm down his chat." Ranboo laughed. 

"Thank you Tommy." We all hung out on the Smp for a bit, and messed with chat for a bit. 

"Toms! Dinner's ready!" Phil called from downstairs. 

"Alright! Bye everybody, Phil's just made some dinner with Kristen, I gotta go!" I let everyone say their byes, left the call, and headed downstairs. 

"Hello Dadza, Hello Mumza." 

"You can sit where ever, we are gonna get plates ready." Phil said.

"Alright." I sat at the middle chair, where Phil and Kristen would be able to be across from each other. Phil sat my plate in front of me, and Phil and Kristen sat in their chairs. 

"Thank you!" I said before I started eating. 

"No problem." Kristen said before eating her food. Phil also started his food. 

"This tastes really good!" I commented. Kristen and Phil smiled at me. We heard a knock at the door. 

"I'll go get it." Kristen said. She got up and headed towards the door. 

"Hello?" I heard Kristen say before I heard something that scared me. 

"Is Tommy here?" 

"Why?" Kristen replied. 

"He got a parcel from somebody named... Clay. He wanted the person to deliver it, to make sure it went straight to him, instead of left at the door." 

"Oh, alright, I will take it to him then, we were just eating dinner, thank you!" Kristen replied, I heard a box shifting hands.

"Thank you!" I heard the door shut and Kristen come back with a box. 

"It's for you from someone named Clay." I laughed. 

"From Dream, I'll bring it upstairs for you." I grabbed the box from her, and hurried upstairs so my food wouldn't get cold. I hurried downstairs and finished my food. 

"Thank you again for the food Mumza, and Dadza!" I smiled, and cleaned my plate before I headed back upstairs. I got a dm from Dream. 

'Did you get the package?' 

'yea! do you want me to open it now, or on a call with you?' 

'Nope, on a call with everyone in the DreamSMP!'

'weirdo, ok then.' 

I got everyone on a call, I checked to make sure none of them were streaming. 

"Dream told me to call everyone so I could open this package? Anyways, while I open this, how is everyone?" I got some goods, and some okays, as well as some fines. 

"Ooo theres a note!" I exclaimed. Some laughed. 

"it sayssss... 'Everyone kinda heard how you got in a hospital, but thats all we really know, we hoped that you would get this package sooner, but since you didn't we wanted to wish you a package for being strong even when you were sad. and making us laugh, even if you didn't want to laugh.' Aww thats sweet!" I laughed. I opened the package to a bunch of american sweets, and some hoodies and shirts from everybody of their merch. 

"FREE MERCH?! NICEEEEE!!!" I laughed, so did pretty much everyone else did, I heard Phil laugh from his room, which was somewhat close to mine. 

"Oh shut up Dadza!!!" Phil started wheezing, and people in the call looked and sounded confused. 

"Oh thats right! Phil kinda adopted me, but like- without the mess of me being an orphan." Everyone kind of went 'oh' and 'nice' and Wilbur and Techno said, 'SBI now cannon in real life?' 

"It was a very pog moment, that I almost went pog." People laughed. So did I.

"Dadzaaaaa!!! Mumzaaa!! Come show them that you're reallll!!!" They both entered my room. Almost collapsing from laughter. 

"Why are you laughing?!" I started laughing too. Phil came beside me, and so did Kristen. 

"Anyways, here they are for proof." I smiled a 'told you so' smile. 

"Hello everyone!" They looked at each other and smiled. They picked me up out of my chair, and pushed the chair out of the way, and they starting tickling me. 

"H-hey this isn't faiiirr!!" I was laughing so hard. I could hear everyone laughing from my headphones. They finally stopped and we went back over to where they could see us, my hair now messed up from them messing with me. I fixed my hair while they talked to them. 

"Yeah, he's doing much better." They hugged me. 

"Huh- oh!" I hugged back and smiled. I laughed a bit. 

"They are all confused why I am being Mr. Clingy child!" I laughed. The joke cause Phil so almost fall. I heard Dream wheezing, which almost caused me to start laughing like Phil.

"Anyways, We are probably gonna head to bed soon, bye everyone!" Everyone said there bye's and we left. 

"Mr. Clingy Child?" Phil laughed, deflating like a balloon.

"Yes Philza Minecraft, that is who I was being!" I laughed. 

"Alright, I'm gonna finish the last bit of editing, and then I will be going to bed with Kristen." Phil left and so did Kristen, them saying their goodnights. I turned to my closet and put on a soft pair of grey sweatpants that Phil got me, and then a black short sleeve shirt. 

I turned my LED's on and turned the lights off. I sat down on my bed, and plugged my phone in. I turned my LED's off, and went to bed, snuggling my cow plush. 

A/N I made this chapter longer than all of my other ones. for you guys :)

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