Chapter 10

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A/N Hallo This is just gonna be some of Tommy's past, like school wise- Just like- How he joined the track team and stuff. OH AND HOW BEFORE HE KNEW PHIL WAS PHILZA MINECRAFT AND WILBUR BEFORE HE WAS WILBUR SOOT!! TOMMY DOESN'T REMEMBER THIS MEMORY!

TommyInnit POV

"Hey Tubs, I just joined the track team, since you had recommended it." I recently figured out how to cover my cuts with makeup, I was positive no one would know. 

"REALLY!? About time!!" I smiled. Tubbo made everything feel okay, the doctors had recently put my wrist in a cast to help with the broken wrist I currently had. 

"Do you think I should practice with you? You might know some stretches that could help me go even faster, I have been pretty stiff lately." Tubbo nodded. 

"Yea! Of course, I'm gonna need you to show me the mountain you go to and the forest you go to!" I smiled. 

"Sure, of course." When school ended I was walking to Tubbo's house with him. 

"So, why do you never go straight home after school, you always find an excuse to come play with me." I laughed. 

"I guess i really am the clingy one, aren't I? I just really like hangin' out with ya." I smiled and laughed, though he didn't know it was all a mask.

"Awww Tommy!!!" Tubbo jumped on me and gave me a hug. 

"This is why I never say that-" We both fell over and started laughing. 

"KARMA!!!" Tubbo screamed and started running away. 

"OI BITCH!!!" I ran after Tubbo, I made it to his house a couple seconds before him.

"You're too fast." We laughed. 

"Let's go practice!" Tubbo said. 

"Alright." I followed Tubbo into the house. 


"ALRIGHT!!" Tubbo laughed. 

"Let's go!" He grabbed my wrist and brought me to his backyard. We stretched a little bit before he wanted to go to the forest. 

"Then lets get going." I grabbed him and we walked to the forest to conserve some energy. I bumped into someone. 

"Ah! I'm so sorry!  I wasn't looking where I was going." The guy with brown curly hair and brown eyes, with round glasses smiled at me. 

"Don't worry about it!" He was wearing a long brown coat, a white button up; black jeans, and black shoes. I smiled at him. He continued on his path, and so did we. 

"Tubbo were almost at the forest!" I smiled. 

"Really?!" I smiled and pointed. 

"There it is!" Tubbo looked in amazement. 

"WOAH THAT HUGEE!!" I laughed. 

"TUBBO WATCH OUT!!" A huge branch almost fell on Tubbo before I pushed Tubbo out of the way, getting myself hurt. 

"OUCH- What the hel- TOMMY!!!" Tubbo was frantically trying to get the branch off of me, it was huge, and heavy, yet my body hasn't exploded from it. 

"Oh my gods- Do you guys need help?" A guy with blond hair, in a black shirt and black wristbands walked up to us. 

"Please- It's heavy and he is stuck!!" Tubbo was now on the verge of tears. 

"Tubbo- Literally- I'm fine, I'm just stuck." Tubbo walked over to me, the blond man looked at me with a little bit of worry, and helped me get unstuck. 

"Thank you." I said simply because I did not want to talk to anyone. 

"See Tubbo,  I told you, 'm fine." The guy who helped us walked up to me. 

"What?" I said turning around. 

"I saw that happen, how do you have such quick reflexes?" I just laughed. 

"I dunno, guess it comes with being great!" I smiled. The guy still looked nervous but I ignored it. 

"If you are heading towards the forest, be careful, there apparently has been someone running around in there who often is faster then a fox. I don't know the intentions of the thing, but it looks like it is out for blood." I nodded. The only thing that has been in there is me. Maybe they thought that I was a thing looking for blood. 

"Alright, We'll be fine though, I am way faster then a fox." Tubbo nodded. 

"He literally outran me, I'm number one on the track team." The guy nodded. 

"Oh wow! I would love to see that." We laughed. 

"Okay! TUBBO RACE ME!!!" Tubbo nodded. 

"ALRIGHT TOMMY!!!" The guy we ran into counted down. 

"3...2...1... GO!!!" We raced and I won. The guy laughed. 

"Wow you are pretty fast!" I thanked him, and said our goodbyes. I hoped to run into him again, he was nice. 

"HEH?! Wilbur!! DONT EAT THE SAND!!!" We heard yelling from the two people ahead of us, I decided with Tubbo that I would try to scare them. 

"Alright, I'm going to sprint to scare them." Tubbo nodded, I started sprinting around them so they couldn't see me. 

"What the fuck- Techno what the fuck is that?!" The guy who I assumed was Techno looked directly at the shadow of me. 

"I don't know, but nothing we should be afraid of. It looks like it hasn't eaten in weeks, it probably couldn't even slap us. But I guess a stick should slow it down." The guy threw a stick in front of me, but I quickly dodged it. 

"HEH?! It dodged the stick?!" The guy who was called Wilbur apparently clung onto the pink haired man that I assumed was Techno. 

"Whatever this is, it can dodge, it's fast, but it can't seem to hit us?" I soon ran out of breathe, causing the people to come towards me. 

"Uhhh- Kid are you alright?" I started falling backwards when Techno caught me.

"That was pretty dumb of you to try to scare adult men." Techno stated. 

"TUBBO!!!!" I screamed for Tubbo, but he never came, I assumed he had left. 

"God damnit- TUB-" The brown haired guy covered my mouth. 

"What the fuck is that figure now?! It looks like it can hit us, and that its almost as fast as this kid!" I smiled. Tubbo was coming. 

"TOMMY?!" I bit Techno's hand forcing him to remove his hand. 

"TUBBO!!!" Tubbo came over to me. 

"Tommy! Thank goodness, when I didn't see your shadow I got scared, and these two men were gone." I smiled. I quickly removed myself from Techno's grasp, using my tininess to my advantage, and hugged Tubbo.

"The brown haired one is apparently Wilbur and the pink one is Techno." The two people looked confused. 

"Were you listening in on our conversation?!" I shrinked behind Tubbo.

"Sorry- I-It's a habit-" I felt myself clench on tighter to Tubbo. 

"What all did you hear?" I snuggled into Tubbo's back. 

"Don't eat the sand Wilbur is all. Don't worry." Tubbo answered for me. 

"Okay. Sorry for scaring you." I stayed behind Tubbo. 

"Tommy- It's fine, they won't hurt you." I stayed behind Tubbo but looked over his shoulder. Both of them smiled at me softly. 

"It's okay Tommy.." 

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