Chapter 8

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A/N I see a lot of stories where people ask "Where is chapter (bla bla)" istg if you do that  to me I will steal ur kneecaps.

TommyInnit POV

I woke up, felling the soft feeling of warmth coming from the sun. I sat up, kicking my legs off the side of the bed, I stood up. I walked over to my closet, and grabbed one of my baseball tee's, a pair of shorts, and a pair of white socks. I headed off to the bathroom to get changed. After I changed I headed downstairs and smelled the warm syrup, and pancakes. 

"What smells so good?" It smelled so warm and welcoming down here. What a warm morning to wake up to...

"I just made some pancakes, would you like some? I have some syrup on the table if you want." I smiled. 

"Thank you, Dadza." I sat down at the table; I felt super good about today. 

"No problem mate, did you hear what Wilbur's up to this weekend?" I thought about it. 

"No, not really. Why?" Phil laughed. 

"Wilbur, Techno, and Tubbo wanted to come over to see you. I decided I would let them." I smiled, a really big smile. 

"Really?! That's so cool! Thank you Dadza!!" I felt the excitement radiate off of me. Philza then smiling with me. 

"Yep, they should be leaving for the airport tomorrow. Tubbo is gonna arrive with Wilbur." Phil looked down at the pan, and flipped the pancake. 

"Techno will be arriving later then them because he lives in America." Phil smiled at me, I was jumping up and down. 

"Then let's go find places for them to visit!!!" I exclaimed, I was super happy about this. Phil nodded. 

"After we eat though. Now sit down, pancakes are almost done." I laughed and sat down at the table. 

"Kristen is out getting some stuff for food. So she will be back in a couple hours." I nodded. 

"Anyways, here is your pancake. Eat up. We have a lot of walking ahead of us." I laughed it off and put syrup on my pancake.

"It tastes so good! Thank you!" I finished my plate and rinsed it off. 

"No problem bud." I smiled and headed upstairs to get my shoes. I slipped on a pair of black converse, they were black and white, so they reminded me of Ranboo. I walked over to my PC and talked to Deo for a bit, before playing on the DreamSMP with Karl. 

"Hey Karl!

"Hello Tommy!!" I smiled.

"What are we gonna build today?" I asked. Karl and I love to build, it's been our thing since he joined the SMP, I only pretended like Karl did it all by himself.

"Ooo how about a tree house? Like we plant a jungle tree, and put one in there?" Karl suggested. 

"That sounds good, I'll get the wood, and you get the saplings?

"Sure, thank you Tommy!" I walked over to the nearest forest. 

"Yeah no problem Karl." I started chopping down some oak trees, and picking some flowers. Sometimes people think I had something to do with it, but I just decline and say that Karl did it all, and that it looks poggers. Though, for some reason, Wilbur always knew that I had some part in it, no matter how much I lie. 

"Hey Tommy! How much wood do you have?"I checked my inventory. 

"About two stacks of logs. I think that will be enough for now." Karl hummed in agreement. 

"Alright, lets start building!" I guess I hadn't noticed that Ranboo and Philza were following us, because when I finished building my side, they were just staring at me. 

"Uh- Karl they saw me." Karl froze. 

"How long were they there for?" I gulped. 

"I think the whole time. Because the way that they are standing there, they got comfy." I said. 

"Oh heck Tommy- what do we do?!" I thought about it. 

"Let me handle this." I typed in chat. 'Vc 2 Ranboo, Dadza." I got an okay, and be there in a second from them. 

"Hey Toms, Ranboo and I think that Karl didn't do all of the builds by himself now." I laughed. 

"Are you kidding me? I just build this one thing and then boom, Karl had help?" I laughed. 

"No way, I only helped Karl with this one build. Trust me." I said. I hoped that this would work. 

"Oh! Makes sense, alright Karl, Tommy, sorry for misunderstanding." I laughed. 

"No worries Dadza!" I smiled. I know they couldn't see it, but I did, I got away with it. 

"Were gonna leave now, bye!" They left and I sighed. 

"That was a close one." Karl was just frozen. 

"How did- How- You can lie that well??" I laughed. 

"Of course I can! How else do you think I do lore?" Karl just lost it, he started laughing. 

"Jeez, you almost had me fooled!" Karl wheezed out. I laughed. 

"I don't know, I am just that great." I laughed. I then spaced out, I don't know why though.

You are awful

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