50: What Happens in Dallas...

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(A/N: His smile!! Happy Birthday to the sweet man who inspires all this, Harry Styles. Hope to see you on tour soon! Enjoy!)

"I'm gonna kill her. I really am," I groan, mortified, into my arms to red-faced to share my face with the world.

Enough of Shawn's fans have seen a blurry version of it anyway.

You know those cartoons when one of the characters' cheeks blush so much that there is smoke rising from them?

Yeah, that's me right now and all because of my best friend and Harry's most famous ex-girlfriend.

I am wearing all the realization on my face and I know it shows. Granted it's not the best look to share in public but I can't help my emotions, not when I suddenly have the image of my boyfriend and a very tall stunning blonde acting through the dialogue of the song.

"I mean who does that to their best friend? Would you prank your bestie like that? Use something like that to completely and utterly humiliate them?"

"Not completely an utterly," Sarah tries to keep some perspective to which I quickly mentally sidestep, still raw over it.

I have once again been embarrassed and unlike other times, this wasn't entirely my fault.

That's why I am going to have to kill Monica. She's my best friend but she's really stuck me in it this time.

Well, obviously not kill but she's certainly not going to get away with this.

"And yes, probably," Sarah answers as she takes another bite of her food and thus defying my point. "In your case, a much bigger population of people knew about Style when you didn't and that bit is unfortunate but on the whole, it's not that bad."

I can't believe I didn't know that song was about Harry and I really I can't believe that Sarah is the one who finally told me especially when all the people I've been cohabitating with all knew.

Why didn't Harry say anything that morning or any hour since?

Why didn't anyone else?

"Mia, we were all a bit surprised when it started playing on your phone, but it's a good song regardless of its inspiration," she mentions with a smile while I sit stunned and wide-eyed for a few moments as the news sinks in. "Of course, given your reaction that morning, maybe I should have assumed you wouldn't have chosen that yourself and said something."

"I appreciate that Sarah, and I'm sorry I can get a bit looney. It's just... ugh, Monica has done some questionable things in the past, most of which I love her for, but this is different, so there will be a reckoning one day. You'll see."

By the time I'm done talking, I realize that my volume has risen and I find myself thinking that I hope to god no one recognizes me.

Oh gosh, is this how Harry thinks when he goes out?

This wouldn't be part of my life if I didn't find out in public and right after the blurred out bombshell sent my name flying out into the world of the male pop-star fandoms for the first time.

I felt a little bit of this after Harry and I had to get through fans after the airport and even when that even blurrier photo was published of Harry and me at my graduation, but nothing ever came from either situation. I was completely anonymous to everyone except one.

But now everything is different.

If the fans ever find out about this, I'll never live it down and that's on top of having a hard enough job trying to get them to accept me as Harry's significant other.

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