33: Dr. Ryan S. Carter

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A/N: I think we all need to hear this^ plus it's lovely coming from Harry. 

A/N: Other story suggestions will be posted on my message board for anyone who is interested. It will be up either later tonight or tomorrow. 

A/N: New character alert! Get excited. Maybe?

A/N: I'm not a therapist, been to therapy, or to couples therapy, so this might not be accurate but it's how I envision it for these two. Hopefully, it's not too off the mark and if it is, don't worry about it. This is fanfiction, if I want to give Harry two willys and give Mia a unicorn horn, I can (although I won't, that would be insane lol). Enjoy my lovely readers.

After our week-long standoff, I have unofficially moved back into Harry's house. He still hasn't popped the question about officially moving in with him and I always insist on making an appearance back at my home every couple days to play up the image that we don't live together but it's like things used to be.

A little too normal actually.

With our puppies now with Anne until his first tour is over, there is literally nothing to distract Harry from distracting me.

"Harry, eyes on your screen!" I playfully shove his head away from my shoulder as I try to answer the questions our therapist sent us before our first session tomorrow.

Who knew therapy required so much work BEFORE you got started?

"What are you saying at the bottom?" Harry yells at me from his perch on the kitchen island.

I banished him there. I had to. When we started the assignment we were both on the couch but he kept trying to steal my answers and chatting about things that had no connection to the topic at hand so he had to go until we were both done. It literally said confidential at the very top and Harry was determined to break the rules.

Luckily, I am one for the rules when it comes to writing assignments.

"Come on, Love," he once again begs from across the open plan living room. "What are you writing for the extra stuff you wanna talk about."

"Harry there's no right answer. It's impossible to get it wrong," I attempt to encourage him as I continue typing. "Just write the first thing that comes to mind."

"I think it's time you knew I was rubbish at school, especially compared to you." I roll my eyes knowing that's not entirely true. "You're dating a dipstick, but you're not allowed any take-backs at this point."

"Harry!" I whine, laying my head back over the back of the couch, only just catching a glimpse of the top of his head. "You're being silly. You're a very intelligent man."

"Mia!" He whines while still trying to come off dominant and masculine.

It doesn't work. He just sounds like a big man-child.

"Help me!"

"The doctor said we need to do this separately in order for this to work! Come on man," I say as bro-like as I can. "I never pegged you as a dirty little cheater but Mr. Styles, you are aren't you?"

"I am not! I just need help."

"Did you need help kissing James?"

"James hardly counts, and this doesn't either. I know nothing!" Suddenly he's back on the couch with me, laptop in his hand repositioning the monitor for me to see the blank page. "Look, I'm rubbish at it."

"You're the one that suggested this therapy thing. Do it properly," I giggle at this elaborate display he's putting on.

"And you're already better at it than I am, obviously. You're writing an essay over there. I didn't realize we had so many problems."

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