5: Laundry Room Chats

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(A/N: ^Me to all the haters^...BYYYYYYYE... at least how I'm trying to be. The rest of you make it all worth it, so thank you for being lovely! Hope you enjoy.)

I woke up in a cold empty bed which was a pretty rude awakening given as my last thought before I fell asleep was how comfortable and warm and loved I felt cuddled in Harry's arms.

Now, I don't like waking up like this ever but he's such a morning person, I normally wake up alone unless he decides to sleep in with me. Or there are those mornings when he does one of the most Harry things ever and wakes up, has a workout, takes a quick shower and then comes back into bed so he's there when I wake up anyway.

I love when he does that. It's a special little thing just for me.

However, this morning, with everything that we've faced the last couple weeks I was a bit stressed when I woke up to find him gone. I'm not ashamed to say a few deep breaths had to be taken to slow my racing heart...yeah, I'm that dependent on him

In my head I knew this meant nothing, Harry was bound to be cooking breakfast or having a wee, but my body couldn't help but react.

I just don't want us to backtrack.

When I was finished looking through every room in the house, I finally found him on the phone with Jeff.

Of course, he is.

I feel like I've completed a game of clue before I've even had a slice of toast. So in clue game terms, the mystery of the empty bed concluded with Harry, with the phone, in the laundry room.

Typical Harry... always on the phone with his beloved manager.

I know I probably shouldn't, it's an invasion of privacy and the pups need to be fed but I can't help but feed into my curiosity so I stand by the door and listen in.

"You serious, it's actually happening?... Obviously... why ask the question when you already know the answer?" He chuckles as I imagine him pushing his fingers through his hair trying to tame the mess that's been produced in his sleep.

My boy sounds excited about something, by the tone of this voice I can feel the brightness of his smile from the door. I want to get in there and see it but Harry keeps talking.

"Yeah, book two seats... when could I have asked her when I've been stuck on the phone with you all morning?" Again he chuckles at his friend and manager and I love the sound but now my curiosity is skyrocketing.

Why are they talking about me?

"Jeff, you're amazing," I have yet to see it. "I'm thrilled, book two seats and make sure you handle all that for the rest of the band too, yeah?... Ever Since New York probably. It makes the most sense for the night...thanks... yeah, yeah, talk to you later."

The moment he hangs up I open the door and peek my head inside, the imaginary thread that tethers me to him pulling me through before he can take a breath. "Knock knock."

"Who's there," he glances up at me with a silly grin on his face.

I stall for a moment with no answer. I forgot who I was dealing with, the joke master himself. 

"No, H, I didn't mean... you're the man with all the bad knock-knock jokes, not me."

"Hey... who said my jokes are bad?"

His eyes follow me as I step inside the cramped space but it smells of fresh sheets and it's cozy and warm... I can see the appeal of sitting in here.

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