2: A Baby Bear, a Giant Cupcake, and Radio Waves

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Even when we get time alone it seems that there will always be something keeping us from getting down to business, case in point rifling through all this emotional baggage that we both are carrying and getting to a place similar to where we were before.

Unfortunately, time to do this together and alone wasn't meant to be. Not this week at least.

This time it wasn't his music video or overbearing manager who interrupted us but a dear friend and remarkable life-changing experience, one Harry has yet to experience.

When Harry got the call that Liam and Cheryl had welcomed a baby boy the sheer joy on his face was something that is forever seared into my mind. He was so incredibly happy, his phone pressed to his ear and his smile so wide I'm sure his cheeks must hurt. It was like staring at a beautiful sunset as it dips beneath the horizon leaving a sky full of pink.

It was magical to see him like that.

We went to visit the new parents the second we got back to London from freezing cold Scotland. It was the first time I had ever met Liam and to say that he's a sweetheart is an understatement. Under all that muscle and the insane number of tattoos, he's a cuddly teddy bear... ironic right. Bear's dad is as sweet as a child's teddy bear.

And the fact that Harry and I brought him one as a gift was not overlooked by anyone.

We spent hours with them, gushing over the baby and getting better acquainted with one another. Harry and Liam talked for hours about how different it was working on their own music without the rest of the band and their future plans. They really are brothers, talking as if no time had passed.

Things were a bit more awkward between Cheryl and I. Or rather with me. I'm so awkward when it comes to new people let alone meeting someone as naturally beautiful and talented as Cheryl. And she had a baby just about a week before. I'm sure if I were ever to give birth to a child I'd look like a complete trainwreck months after the blessed event let alone a week.

Oh god, it seems horrific.

Harry was reluctant to leave the newest little addition to the One Direction family but thankfully he didn't force me to become an evil aunty and make him leave.

Yeah, Liam called me Aunty Mia while waving his little boys hand in my direction. I don't know why he came to such a conclusion upon only just meeting me but there you go.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a newborn human as much as the next person but I'm not very natural with them. I hold a baby and I'm stiff as a board, cringing the entire time for fear that I might drop them or they might start crying. And the magic of a babies smell is completely lost on me.

I hope Liam and Cheryl didn't notice my complete ineptitude when it came to interacting with their sweet boy. Harry, on the other hand, did notice and with sly smirks and cheeky winks, he made it known to me and only me the entire afternoon.

Harry is a natural as if there was a chance he wouldn't be, so good with children you could conclude that this man was sent to earth to hold babies and to have some of his own one day. And he loves it just as much as the baby loves being held by him.

Gosh, he's going to be such a good father one day and I'm... oh god, I'd be horrific in comparison.

And even with this new realization, I let myself reveal in Harry's excitement for his bandmate. After all, Harry's smile is infectious and the birth of Bear Payne was just another thing to celebrate.

If only their fans could recognize that.

Of course, little Bear was born the same day Harry released his TV spot announcing his solo career. And some of their fans went insane accusing Harry of releasing the video on the same day intentionally. Why don't people just stop and think? Harry is a powerful man but he doesn't have the power to perform produce and release a TV spot in a matter of hours.

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