4: Tipsy, Jet-Lagged, and Overwhelmed

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"Finally! Thank god you're back!" Her voice comes first and her arms come second, squeezing me tight the second I walk through the door. My eyes follow Hunter down the hall as he brings in my suitcase but even with the pleading look for help I give him he merely chuckles at my dilemma and continues into the house while I'm held hostage at the front door. "You can't just leave like that again. You worried the shit out of me and Harry."

"You saw Harry?" I mutter the words having to blow her hair away from my nose as it tickles as she neglects to release me from this death grip of a hug.

The whiplash I experience when she suddenly pulls me away to hold me at arm's length has my eyes crossed for a second and my mind wondering why in the world she's handling me like this.

And with her lack of answer the more the questions come and I have to know how he reacted. I haven't had the heart to ask. I catch a glimpse of Hunter in the back of the house, escorting Prince and Lea out to the backyard as he tosses a sympathetic smile over his shoulder, once again neglecting to come to my assistance.

Luckily she puts me out of my misery.

At least one of my friends does.

"Did I see him?" My best friend looks at me in shock as if I'm asking a stupid question.

There aren't supposed to be any stupid questions.

"Oh yeah, I saw him and he was a total wreck," she throws her head back, breaking the hard assuming glare she's had on me from a moment. "Okay, well, maybe he didn't let it show quite how much he was hurting but I could tell just how wrecked he really was. In actuality Harry was pretty calm but a girl can tell, you know, and on the inside, he was broken but a determined fucker. Sweating bullets but a man with a plan. Barely said 'good morning, Monica' before he was on the phone and-"

"Who was he on the phone with?" I ask following her path into our kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge as I wait for her answer just so I have something to do with my hands.

"Not certain," oh wonderful, she's tight-lipped when I actually need information. "But there was a lot of very stern words being said and by the end, his hair was so sexy and messy with how many time's his fingers went through it."

"Are you biting your lip?"

Is she turned on?

"What?" She looks up at me, her face in a sort of daze. "No, of course not. Anyway, what happened between you two? I bet you two had a ton of makeup sex by now, that's the best kind if you ask me."

"Monica," I say bluntly and sternly because I can see that look in her face and the spark in her eye.

"Fiery passion with a need to please. Heavy breathing and skin sticky with sweat."

"Oh, sorry," a very embarrassed looking Hunter walks back into the kitchen, his focus entirely on my fur babies until he realizes what precisely he's walked into. Monica doesn't seem the least bit affected but Hunter and I must be cut from the same cloth because neither of us wants him here to listen to this particular conversation. "I'm gonna head out if you don't need anything else."

"Of course. Thank you, Hunter. Have a good night."

I offer him an appreciative and apologetic smile as he tips his imaginary hat and lets himself out.

My attention turns back to Monica when I hear the front door shut. I'm glaring at her for putting such images in Hunter's head. He might have to be glued to my side per Harry's instructions when we're out but he really doesn't need to hear about my sex life with his boss... especially when her claims are unfounded.

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