71: His Head Is As Big As A House

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(A/N: This is a double update so if you haven't read chapter 70, scroll back one and read it first. I think it's a fun one. Enjoy!)

"Alright, H, put your wig and false nose on. You need to come out with me."

I burst through the door a woman on a mission that's essential and time-sensitive.

"My wig? False nose What are you on about?" His eyes follow me around the room as I grab his coat and bright pink beanie and toss them to him. "Oh yeah, no one will recognize me in this."

"Have you never worn a disguise before? We haven't discussed it but now that I'm wondering, I'm concerned why Monica hasn't shown me before."

I fall onto the couch next to him and his guitar and wait for his answer.

Normally I wouldn't be so insistent that we go out in public together but after my walk with Hunter, I am determined to share this moment with Harry. His face, or rather, is back is on the side of a building... a freakin' building! I want to rejoice in this achievement with him even if it's not a big deal for him.

As his girlfriend and his biggest fan, yes I am claiming that title just for today, (I don't want to be greedy and be his girlfriend and his biggest fan, gotta save something for the fans), and I want to walk across town and stare up at Harry's muscular back and shoulders while he was photographed in a pink bathtub with him!

Is that too much to ask?

"For the record, I never wore a wig to go out. Once for Halloween, but never to go to the market."

"What about a fake nose? Oh, or a fake mustache?"

"Fake!! I can grow a real mustache!"

"Oh really?" I look at him closely while keeping a good distance. "I love your baby chin hairs, H. It's nothing to be ashamed of, not every man can grow a mustache."

"One of these days I'll decide to grow one and you'll eat those words!"

"And if that day comes I will gladly be corrected." He seems satisfied by this answer but just like Harry, I can rarely leave things in a neat little pile finding much more enjoyment in the tease than the tranquility. "But I won't hold my breath. Now come one and get dressed in whatever disguise you like, I want to go out in public with you."

"Seriously?" He asks me suddenly worried as well as curious. "You haven't been drinking, have you? I know Germany has good beer but–" suddenly he stops and leans back, his hand on his heart like a fluttering grandmother. "You better not have gotten high without me! Mia, I swear, if you and Mitch smoked kush without me, I might have to sue. I don't want to miss you getting high for the first time! It's too monumental, like a baby's first steps."

If we're gonna talk about our future babies today, I might have to sue him!

"Sue who?"

"You of course! I thought we had established that you'd be the one to take care of me in my old age when I can't tour anymore and all the music is out of me. I'll pay you back in sexual favors, Love. Promise, my dick is yours."

"I swear, I'm not high or drunk or under the influence of anything but my obsessive adoring support and pride for you. Now can you please get dressed in something you can walk outside in and come with me? I'm not getting any younger and neither are you."

"Alright, alright," he gets up, finally convinced when I sneeze.

This damn cold!

He stops and turns around to look at me having spotted his reason to not leave the warmth and comfort of his dressing room but I shake my head before he says another word.

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