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Unlike other sunny days, today was a very chilly rainy indoor day. Slight voices of thunder roam around the sky, gradually getting louder. My name is y/n l/n. I'm one of those who know about the "secret" mom has been hiding from us. At first it took me for a huge shock, but once it kept happening more actively, I shrugged it off. I did bad for those who have been "sent away" as I should say.


Y/N L/N age: 5

Number: 718649

Plant 4

Roaming the dark hallways at night, y/n saw a small dim light coming from mom's room. Moments later, they heard noises coming from mother's room. Out of curiosity, she decided to slowly make her way there to see what was going on. The voices were slightly getting louder and more clear. As she stood infront of the door, they decided not to open the door but to eavesdrop. They put their ear up onto the door and listen to the conversation.

"Who's getting shipped next Isabella?" Said a unknown voice on the other side of the phone.

"My plan was to send in Akame. He's been outstanding and I'd think it be best if you decide on him. Any thoughts?" A familiar voice said on the other side of the door. Y/n was shocked and confused on why that person had said his name.

"Send him in. Best approach would be tomorrow; We're running low on stocks." The other person said on hand. Y/n was still in shocked and wondered if Akame was going to a family. They slowly went back to bed, they saw Akame sitting; wide awake. 

Y/n shut the door quietly and went up to sit next to him. 

"Akame, why are you up late?" Y/n asking softly sitting next to him. He turns to look at them. 

"I think I should be asking the same thing to you, y/n." He responds calmly.

"I went for a walk downstairs until I was hearing people from mom's door. They were talking about you Akame. Are you going to a new family?"  y/n asks as he shook his head. 

"yes, I am." He says looking at me with a small smile. 

"Oh! I'm so happy for you." y/n says in joy, trying not to wake up the others. 

His smile faded after y/n said that. His head slightly dropped down as well as looking almost as scared. 

"Akame, what's wrong? Aren't you happy to be going to a family?" Y/n asks. 

"y/n, I think there's something you should know." Akame says looking back at y/n. 

"I'm.. not going to a family. This place isn't what you think it is. This is a farm, not for animals, but humans." He says as y/n got confused. 

" We are here to get smarter and be sent away. Those who find a new family get killed. It's a selection every few months. They pick someone and they get sent to be fed for monsters. Mom is the one who is uncharge of where we are." Akame starts explaining as y/ns eyes widen. They was shocked to believe that mom was behind all of this. 

"please, don't ever tell anyone I told you this okay? This is a secret between us and mom can never know that you know what she does and what happens to the people here." Akame then says holding up his pinky for a promise. 

y/n was scared and worried. They then linked her pinky with his, a promise. Though, she knew that Akame was being sent away and he did too. The time was limited with being with each other. Y/n's eyes fill up with tears and Akame brings them into a hug. They didn't want him to leave as they have many memories together. He was their best friend, a brother. The time together was ending soon as they fell asleep. 

-time skip-

"We have an announcement everyone, gather around" mom said as the children finished up dinner.

"Someone wanted to adopt Akame and will be leaving tonight." Mom said as y/n turned to look at Akame. He gave them a reassuring smile as he held his belongings tightly. Y/n's eyes fill up with tears once again as Akame kneeled down to embrace them for the last time. They sobbed, not wanting to let go.

"Please don't leave, I want you to stay." They said as he smiled and whispered 

"Stay safe, remember our promise, y/n. Here, take this to remember me." He then said as he gave her a bracelet. They smiled as he got up to leave for the last time. They stood and watched him as he slowly faded into the distance. 

the rest of the night for them was rough. They had a rough time sleeping and wondered if he was okay. Though, she knew what had already happened. 

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