Another Day

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"WAKE UP!" Emma says loudly as everyone starts to awake. It was always the same routine every morning. Emma loudly tells us to wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast, stay outdoors, dinner, and sleep. It wasn't much of a change since Akame left. It felt different from when he left for the dead. Nothing felt the same anymore without him. I still grieved over him being gone forever. Though, I did make new friends. Norman, Ray, and Emma are the people im now close with. 

"Good Morning y/n." I heard someone behind me say. I look to see that it was mom. I gave in a soft smile to her as she smiled back. She walked over to me starting our daily normal conversation.

"Any plans today with Emma?" She then asked as I was took into thought. 

"Not that I know of, but something might come up soon" I said as we walked to breakfast and ate. 

-timeskip- (3rd POV)

Children ran and laughed in joy being outdoors. Y/n rarely went outside since They'd go to the library or to take a short nap. It's been a while since They've been outside, ever since akame left. They was then taken back a surprise as someone tapped my shoulder. 

"y/n." As they turned around to see Ray.

"Oh hey, what's up?" They said as we started walking together. 

"I need to talk to you about something." he says as they nod their head 

"Okay, what is it?" y/n says as ray suddenly stops.

"Follow me, It can't be said here." He said as he dragged them away by the hand.

Death to the promisedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora