Changes and truth

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It was almost the 2 month mark and nobody knew about Norman leaving yet. I knew that it was either me or him that was ending up leaving, but I never spoke a word about it. Either way, if I get sent, I will be happy to spend my time here with my friends and I hope they can achieve the future they want. If Norman leaves, he'll be a good friend to be around. I hope he can be safer up there than over here. I zoned out as someone got my attention.

"y/n, we need to talk." Ray then said as I nodded following him behind.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" I then asked while Ray looked at me upset.

"Why didn't you tell us?" He then said, making me confused.

"What are you talking about? Elaborate more." I then asked while he just got more frustrated.

"I'm not dumb. Norman's shipment." Ray then said as I tried staying calm. I couldn't say anything. I was in the guilt of not telling.

"It's for the best that you guys didn't know." I then said as he kept glaring at me.

"Either way, we would've figured it out someday, why couldn't you just tell us y/n? This is really important and we need to know about it. Norman is our friend y/n." Ray then said frustrated still. I looked down not wanting to say anything else. It went quiet until I decided to get up and leave. I felt a hand grab onto mine.

"Unless you tell me why you didn't, I'm not letting go or letting you leave." Ray then said as I gave in, sitting down.

-Ray POV-

I wanted to know why they didn't even tell us. I was upset that they didn't even tell me or anyone else, especially Norman even if it was hard for him to hear. He needed to know the truth.

"Mom came up to me while I was outside alone. She told me something that I really didn't wanna tell you guys." they then said turning to me still explaining as i sat there listening closely.

"Remember the day where I ended up crying in the library and you saw me?" They then said while I nodded.



"The shipment is in a month or less y/n." Mom then said as I looked at her. I nodded as I turned back to look at the sky.

"Norman is leaving, correct?" I then said looking back at her while she smiled and nodded. I sighed looking down.

"So, who's leaving?" I then asked, looking at her making eye contact. It took a few minutes before she said something.

"Well then, it was nice knowing you, Y/n." Mom then said. I could only stare at her in fear. I nodded as she hugged me. I felt, scared. If only I knew about this sooner.

"Why are you doing this? Is this what you're really working for mom?" I then cried. She froze and tensed up. She stayed silent as tears started falling down my face, covered in tears. She then glared back at me.

"No, this is my job. I never loved any of you. I was only here to raise you and tell you to be adopted, just for you to never find your peace." She said as my eyes went wide.

"Tell anyone that you're leaving, and you'll be sent home early. Make up a lie and it seems like Norman is leaving." She then said as I nodded still crying. She walked away with a smirk, but still very tense.

-End of Flashback-

It went quiet. She spilled those words as she had tears falling down her face.

"y/n." I then said as I was interrupted.

"I told you, are you satisfied now? If that's all you needed to know, ill take my leave then Ray." they then said not looking behind and wiping their tears.

"No but-" I then tried to say, except I only got a slammed door.

"Ray!" I heard Emma say behind me. I look to see Norman with her as well.

"What did she say?" Norman then said as I told them. They were pretty shocked to know that it wasn't Norman.

"Hey at least we got some of the information though right?" Norman then said as we nodded. As Emma left the room Norman turned to me.


"Norman." We both said looking at each other.

"As much as i don't wanna talk about this and it's the wrong timing, you're the traitor aren't you?" He then said as I started smirking at him indicating that i am.

Norman wasn't surprised, but he knew this whole time?

"Bingo, i am. " I then said, looking at Norman. He then sighed walking away. Sooner Emma will know too. I was a mom's child, but so was y/n. 

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