Reality Discovered

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It's been a few weeks since the incident and things have gone a bit unusual. Ray,Norman, And Emma have been a bit off the cup. They still kept up with the plan though. Y/n on the other hand, was going a but out of hand with stress.

-Ray POV-

It's been a while since we talked to y/n. We figured out how there were trackers in our necks. And the only person we could trust most is Sister Krone. Although I didn't like the idea, I let them go. She told us some things and helped us with it apparently. As It turned night I decided to go check up on y/n. I headed to the library to be met by a closed door. I sighed as I opened it to see an open window. I walked up to the window to see y/n sitting at the edge of it.

"hey." I then said. They didn't budge one bit. I kept trying to get they're attention to realize that they weren't paying attention or listening to what i'm saying. I then walked up to her to hear soft sounds of sleeping.

"You're really dumb trying to sleep near the window huh?" I then said taking them in my arms to bed. I set them down as I went to sleep.

-Emma POV-

As me and Norman went to sister krone's room we looked at eachother then nodded. I knocked on the door. Silence was all we heard until she opened the door.

"Come in." She then said with a smile. It gave me a weird feeling, but I went in. Norman followed and closed the door behind us as she turned to us.

"So, what's the reason to talk?." She then asked as we thought. We decided to ask her some questions before anything. We were shocked by what we got back. As we walked out the door I looked back to see her smiling. I turned away and went to bed. When it became morning, I looked to see Norman and Ray already awake. I then look at y/n. Y/n looked extremely tired and exhausted. I went up to them just to see how pale they were. I was shocked. But aside from that, today also was the day where we told Don and Gilda about what's happening.

-Ray POV-

I woke up to see the room almost empty since everyone else woke up and headed down. I then look to my side to see y/n. Instead They looked very exhausted with dark circles under their eyes. I tried to talk to them but they wouldn't hear it, so i let them rest as i went training with everyone else


It was the time where We would tell Don and Gilda what's happening.

"So why did you wanna talk?" Don then said as we all looked at eachother and sighed.

"Okay so look, just listen to us before you say anything." I then said as Gilda and Don nodded. We thought things would go well but, it just went the polar opposite.

"That's not true. Emma loves mom, she would never say this nor do these things would she?." Gilda then said, not believing us. Don looked at us in shock, showing a bit of anger and disbelief.

"You lying. She would never do this." Don then said as I face palmed.

'Was he this stupid not to realize who mom's two sided face is?' I sighed as he kept rambling on about stuff of how this isn't true. It got quieter as he spoke. As me,Norman,and Emma looked at each other we sighed and looked back at the two.

"Look-" As Norman was about to talk Don punched him. As Don looked back at us I could see how angry he was. As he was coming towards me we heard the door open. Shocked to see who it was.

"Y/n?." I then said as i felt a sharp pain on the cheek.


I woke up rarely able to move. My throat was really dry. I tried to slowly gain consciousness as I walked out of the room. I realized it was dark out. I heard some screaming and talking in another room which took me to it. I put my ear to the door unable to process what I just heard. 'Whats going on?' I then said slowly, opening the door to see Ray and Don running to him.

I woke back up, not feeling the best still after what mom told me about Norman. It was dark out and everyone was sleeping. The only people missing were don, gilda, emma, norman, and ray. I decided to head out of the room to hear distant voices coming from down. I followed the voices which led me to the cafeteria. I opened the door to see all of them, except that Don was pulling up while fighting others.

"Y/n?." Ray then said as Don punched him.

"Oh, so they know about this too!?" Don then said running over to me. I got shocked closing the door in a heartbeat. 'They told them huh?' I then asked myself. 'Welcome to reality then.'

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