The time

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It was morning again as I still felt a bit off from the other night.


I stood there in shock for a few minutes until someone decided to open the door. Ray was standing there looking out of breath and a bruised cheek.

"Hey are you okay? I saw what happened, but decided not to go in." I then asked, caressing his cheek. He nods while his face is a little flushed. In response he tells me to come inside. We all stood there watching Gilda and Don from outside. They came inside walking towards us.

"I'm sorry for being disrespectful and punching you." Don then said as we all smiled accepting his apology.

"So what now? Aren't we going to do something about mom?" Gilda then asks.

"Well we do have a plan." I then said, smirking. As we told them the plan they nodded as we went to bed.

-End of Flashback-

We then walked to breakfast and ate. As soon as it was time we all looked at each other and nodded. Continuing with the plan. We told the kids the usual stuff with tag. Then we started. Everyone was focused on the game which was awesome. As me,Norman,Ray,Emma,Don,and Gilda looked at each other we smiled and laughed at our success that day. As it got darker everyone went inside except me. I decided to stay out for a bit to watch the stars. I heard footsteps behind me as I turned around, Mom. She smiles at me while sitting next to me.

"So, how was today y/n?" She then says making eye contact with me. I look at her then look down.

"It went fine." I then said, attempting to stay calm. She starts making eye contact with me as I start to worry with sweat.

"Dear y/n. You know the next shipment is in the next 2 months right?" She then says looking at me again, making me nervous. I nod slowly as she smiles.

"I want you to say goodbye to your friends, also the last time you'll see them too." She then said leaving me alone once again. Tears formed at the brim of my eyes. 'Where did it all go wrong?' I asked myself, cleaning myself up as I went inside heading to the library. I sat near the window going deep into thought. Tears start forming again as I wipe them off. I lost focus of my surroundings and felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Norman, Emma, Ray, Don, and Gilda. I then stood up walking past them as I heard distant voices calling my name out.

-Ray POV-

As we see y/n run away from us we look at each other in confusion but we keep talking about the plan and the things we're gonna need.

As we approached y/n, they seemed down and walked away from us as we tried to call their name. We needed to tell her about the plan and the items we needed.


It's been a few hours since we saw y/n and the only place that they could be in again is the library. I opened the door to see y/n's head down and sniffling. I walked up to them

"y/n." I then said as they went quiet. I then put my hand on they're shoulder which caused them to look up a bit. I looked at them to see a tear stained face and red puffy eyes.

"Are you alright? Do you want to talk about it?" I then asked, sitting next to them while they stayed silent. I heard them mumbling something while tears formed in the brim of their eyes. I didn't do much but rubbed their back for comfort.

"Look, there's something I have to say." I heard them say. I stayed silent and only nodded in agreement.

"Nevermind, it's not the best time." They then said. I stayed silent while wondering what it meant.

The rest of the night they ended up sleeping in the library while Emma and Norman walked in, making fun of us. I gave them a glare as they went back to the room as I followed with y/n in my arms again. 

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