Reality slip

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I woke up in my old room at the orphanage, I sat up and looked around everything was how it was before. I ran out of my room and ran all around looking for a sign of this being a dream I ran out side in to the pouring rain, tears rolling down my cheeks "JACK!!!" I screamed and ran towards the woods, I kept screaming his name until I gave up and sat by a tree crying great I'm lost and cold. I slowly made my way back up to the orphanage, had a shower and slipped in to bed.

I woke up and no one noticed me, no one at all. I sat in my room all day thinking about jack. Was it all a dream? I couldn't stop crying I was happy but no that had to be taken all aha from me.

4 months later.

No jack. Of course it was a dream a sick reality I made up in my head. I barely eat now. Maybe one or two meals a week at the most.

I decided to go in to the woods today for a walk, half way through I saw jeff "Jeff!!" He turned and smiled, but with a sick tone to it "why hello~" I have him a strange look "jeff it's me (y/n)!" He gave me a confused look "where's L.J?" I asked he gave me a chuckle "da fuck you talking about kid? How do you know jack?" I stopped for a second "he's my boyfriend...." I said confused, he laughed "he's dating jill! And she's pregnant with her second child. That's impossible honey!" Tears rolled down my cheek "oh, did you think that cause you read the stupid fanfics on computers your his new bride to be!" I shook my head "whatever." I turned around and walked off "see you around miss bride to be" jeff called out.

I sat in my room crying. I'm done. One cut will end it all. Just one. No one will care, no one will know I'm gone. I grabbed my razor and pressed it against my wrist and slowly made the deepest cut I could I held back a scream and as I got to the other side of my wrist I dropped the blade and everything faded to black.....


Sorry it's been so long guys!!!! I'm here now!!! You gotta wait till next update to find out more!!! Love you guys bye!

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