All im my head?

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2 years later.

I woke up in a unfamiliar room with jeff "we'll if isn't (y/n)" he chuckled "we'll if it isn't snow white with a knife" I laughed he pulled out his knife and walked a bit closer "you created a reality in your head so real that you believed it. I'm not real. And I do say it's been two years in you reality slip as we call them, time to wake up!" He plunged the knife in to my chest waking me up, I jumped out of bed and ran out to the living room BEN looked at me "jack!!! Slendy!!" Everyone looked at BEN then me, everyone hugged me and jack was over joyed to see me awake.

Slendy explained how daemons during transformation will create there own reality in there mind to make it feel like there living but there not. "So child, you feel okay?" He asked, I nodded "go take a look at your 'new' look and we shall talk later"

I looked in the mirror and saw long black hair that went down to my hips, black horns coming from my head, black wings, black eyes and my skin was pail as ice. I stared in to my black soulless eyes and didn't notice jack come in "hey" he said smiling I jumped a bit "hey" he chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist "it's all perfect." He said kissing my cheek i giggled and turned around to face him "do you like Jill?" I asked serious his smiled faded and his face fell serious "don't ever ask anything like that again." His voice was dark and scary I nodded and he left the room.

I walked through the woods in my human form after I fingered how to change, I was Jill skipping along "hia~!" He sang cheerful I rolled my eyes and kept walking "so jack told you?" I spun around "no? What would he tell me?" She giggled and disappeared I felt anger build up in me was he actually cheating on me? My demon side shone through and I felt blood lust, and I knew exactly were to start. The orphanage.

I flew over to the orphanage and landed on top. If I go through room by room and quietly kill the children know one will notice and it'll be a fun sight for the career to wake up to. I waited until it was 3 am.
I snuck in quietly and silently killed the children that bullied me. I wrote "blood lust" on the walls before leaving, I got back to the mansion and no one was awake so I had a shower and watch some tv before I knew it it was 8 am, I didn't feel tired? The hell?

Everyone came down and slendy flicked to the news channel where it showed the orphanage and "blood lust" on the walls I held back a smile.

"Last night someone or something broke in to the orphanage and murderd 37 children. Police are investigating the crime scene but there are no tracks left by our mystery murderer, has jeff the killer gotten old and the killers decided they need someone new and improved? Maybe but all we know is jeff isn't as scary as he use to be." The reporter smiled and jeff turned the tv off. "THIS IS BULL SHIT!!" He yelled "calm down" masky said "NO!! THIS MOTHERFUCKER THINKS HE CAN KILL MORE THAN ME? HE THINKS HES SCARIER THAN JEFF THE KILLER!!!! ILL SHOW HIM!!!!" Slendy sighed "jeff stop. No one thinks there better than you. No one has been known to kill more than you. We need to find this killer." They all nodded "okay (y/n) stay here we start our hunt now." BEN said they all nodded and I agreed to stay.

After they all left I turned in to my demon form went to the mirror and changed my appearance it's something I fingered out I could do, I now have short blue white hair, white wings, pure white eyes and I changed my outfit in to a laced white dress and white converse.

I followed above the creepy pastas always staying out of sight, I saw a hospital and smiled with glee, I killed as many people as I could wrote "blood lust" on the walls and left. I returned to the mansion and cleaned up I was back to my human form and I decided to cook lunch, I made all the pastas favorites.

After they got home they were pissed off but soon forgot there worries when they saw food "FOOODDDD!!!" Toby yelled hugging me "smells great babe" jack kissed my fore head and sat at the table "I'm gonna go to the shop real quick we have no human food basically so masky anything you need or anyone else?" They shook there heads "okay bye guys see you soon!" I smiled and walked out of the mansion half way through the woods I got out my wings and flew to the store as I was outside I turned in to a demon and walked in everyone screamed and ran making it easy to grab what I want and leave.

I came back to the mansion with bags full of food, after I put them away everyone went out hunting again for the demon little do they know there living with there worst nightmare.

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