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I sat down and remembered meeting a guy here when I was 5 what was his name? Jake? James? Jamie? No! Ugh I give up! I sat and watched all the cars go by and stared at a gift shop, I decided to go in there I walked around and picked up a box it was black and white stripped I read the bottom and it said 'laughing jack-in-a-box' I went to the counter "hey, umm how much is this?" The old man looked at me "oh that old thing! $1 sweetie" I nodded and paid for it, I walked back out to the bench and checked the time on my phone 6 pm my stomach grumbled but there where no shops that sold food.

Reggie's pov.

I read the note from (y/n) and cried my eyes out she was gone she was really gone..

I tucked the note under my pillow along with the photo of me and (y/n).

Your pov.

2 months later.

I still went to work to earn money, I slept in the woods,I had $300 soon to be $600 thank to Tyler, Tyler offered to let me sleep at his but I liked sleeping in the woods alone.

I was wiping a table down when Tyler walked up to me with red eyes "Tyler are you okay" I asked "m-my b-boss.... My boss wants you gone." He said and hugged me I hugged back letting a few tears drip down my cheeks "it's okay I'll be fine" I said he pulled away and kissed my cheek "come here every morning for breakfast it will be on the house and at night come here for tea and you can have a 50% discount" I nodded and said my goodbyes and left.

Jacks pov.

I watched as my old friend left her old job and re turned to the woods this is my chance to get her back! She left me 8 years ago on the street to rot. And now I want revenge I laughed and she heard me cause she looked all around. For the first time she pulled out the box and began to turn it 'pop! Goes the weasel' played and she sang along to the last part "pop! Goes the weasel!" She sung and giggled after "laughing jack!" She shouted and stood up so she dose remember me. We'll this makes it funner, I hopped down from the tree I was in and she went wide eyed and looked at me in shock "j-jack?" She said "why hello my lollipop!" I said and laughed she shook her head and ran, in a puff of black smoke I was in front of her she stopped and tears fell from her eyes "N-no. No. No! Your not real you where an imaginary friend!" She screamed at me "ouch my sweet that hurt!" I laughed and she froze in fear.

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