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Jimin sits at the desk for a few minutes before getting up. He decides to go to the kitchen to get something to drink.

There he spots Taehyung sitting at the counter eating some cereal and on his phone. He stands in the kitchen entrance for a few seconds before going into the kitchen.

Taehyung notices him and greets him while his eyes are still glued to his phone and cereal in his mouth. "Hey jimin-hyung." "Hey Tae." He says in a sigh. Jimin can't help for his emotions to leak out into his sentence.

Taehyung catches on that jimin isn't ok. "Are you alright hyung? You know you can talk to me about anything, so what's wrong?" Jimin knows he can talk to his bestfriend about anything, but he just can't talk to him about...his feelings for jungkook- not right now at least.

"I- um it's nothing." He senses that Taehyung is getting suspicious when he arches an eyebrow up, so he comes up with a quick lie to satisfy him. "Just a little tired."

Taehyung doesn't believe jimin all the way but accepts it anyway. "Ok hyung, if you say so." He says with a shrug and goes back to eating his cereal.

"Can I ask you a question Tae?"

"Yeah, what is it hyung?"

"Why the hell are you eating cereal 7pm in the evening?"

Taehyung smiles while looking at jimin. "Well you see, hyung.... cereal is good and I will not let time control what I eat." He says with a smirk on his face.

Jimin rolls his eyes. "Whatever, do what you what."

Taehyung always had such a weird personality. But never repulsively weird. More of a I-want-to-be-around-you-cute-smart-funny weird. He would always come up with ideas no one else would think of, or do and say weird things but were always cute in a way to Jimin. Eccentric would be the word to describe it. Jimin always admired that about Taehyung.

Jimin is interrupted from his thoughts when Taehyung turns the water on to clean out his bowl, suddenly remembering why he came into the kitchen in the first place. To get something to drink of course. Specifically, aloe vera lemonade.

He's been quite obsessed with that drink for the past week thanks to Jin. One day Jin insisted for jimin to try this knew drink with him that jin never tried. He reluctantly took the metal tumbler cup from his hand and sipped the drink. On first taste he thought, it tasted a little sour because of the lemons so he sipped it again to taste and focus on all the flavors. He actually liked it to his surprise. The drink tasted like fresh sugary goodness but not too sweet and the lemon gives it another layer of flavor to the aloe vera. In short, Jimin liked the drink- like really liked it and would be his new healthy favorite drink.

Jin gently took the tumbler cup from jimin and tried it himself and surprising to jimin, he did not like it. He scrunched up his face upon sipping the drink and handed the cup back to jimin. "Yeah, you can have this." While sticking out his tounge in disgust. "Welp, more for me then." Jimin shrugged his shoulders and continued drinking the drink. "You sure you don't want anymore?" He holds the drink in front of Jin."Yes I'm very sure now drink it already." Jimin shrugs his shoulders and looks away going back to drinking the drink.

Jimin walks to the fridge passing by Taehyung to grab the premade drink from the fridge. The drink is in a cute chimmy tumbler cup with a straw. Hoseok gave it to him for his birthday. He couldn't have been more happier that day to receive such a cute and thoughtful gift. He takes a few sips and is almost immediately relieved from some of his hardships. "Mm~ so good." He say in bewteen a few sips.

Taehyung is a little curious as to what he is drinking. By this time he is done cleaning out his bowl, he puts it on the drying rack. He walks over to jimin. "Can I have some? What is it?" "Sure, it's aloe vera lemonade by the way."

He hands Taehyung the tumbler cup and Taehyung takes a little sip giving it a taste. He has a blank expression on his face.

"Is it nasty?" Jimin says with a confused look.

"No, I wouldn't say that. I'm not sure if I like it."

"Well if you're not sure just have another sip so you can be sure, it's so fucking good."

"Fine." Taehyung takes another sip, a long one this time so he can really taste it. Not much has changed on his opinion of the aloe vera lemonade. He doesn't hate it nor is it his favorite drink at the moment.

"I honestly don't know- I mean it's not bad it's just not really a drink I would drink regularly as supposed to coke." He hands the drink back to jimin.

Jimin rolls his eyes. "Oh whatever, you know you like it." He continues sipping it.

Taehyung makes a straight smile at jimins statement. "Ok hyung if you say so."

Taehyung leans onto the island with his elbow. "Hey, have you seen jungkookie?" "Yeah he did a live with me just a few moments ago and said he was going to the gym after it ended, why?"

"Oh nothing, just asking. I'm gonna go now, see you hyung." He says while leaving the kitchen.

Jimin sits down on the stool at the island and continues drinking his aloe vera lemonade after Taehyung leaves.

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