Shower Thoughts

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It's a free day and all the members are home just relaxing. More specifically, they're all in their rooms.

It's one of those days where they just want time to themselves.

Especially jimin, from the whole scene he made right in front of jungkook.

He covers his face in embarrassment and rolls around. He can't believe he just did that. He feels weird and awful... and vulnerable.

Jimin's currently lying down on his bed in his room and just relaxed- well trying to relax but his thoughts and memories of this morning are holding him hostage from truly being calm.

To be honest, he's actually bored right now. The boy doesn't know what to do with his free time at the moment.

So, he just lays there on top of the covers, replaying his memories.

While doing so, he turns over and picks at a loose fiber extending from his cover while biting his bottom lip.

He thinks about jungkook and his feelings. "Can... can you wait for me?" He remembers.

"Ughh." He frowns then groans at the memory. "I can't wait, you're taking forever jungkookie... just love me now... and be mine." He says to himself and whispers the last bit somberly.

He rolls over on his back in exhaustion, shirt coming up in the process, now exposing lower half of his tummy.

He stares down at his bare abdomen for a little and experimentally places his hand on it. He tilts his head to the side, then starts to rub small circles near his navel.

It feels a little relaxing to him. "Ah." A small breathy moan manages to exit his mouth.

He rubs it a little more, with more pressure and it feels a little more good with each rub.

Feeling the pleasurable sensation pooling down to his pelvis, he decides to slide his hand down into his pants and slowly stroke his half-hard cock.

The tingley feeling travels up from his cock to his stomach from the first touch. "Mm." He let's out a whine while continuously and simultaneously stroking himself.

He speeds the pace up a little, causing him to moan a little louder from the increasing pressure while covering his mouth, not wanting anyone to hear him.

After a few minutes, Jimin feels that familiar tightening sensation in his groin and ditches the pants all together to not get cum on them and continues to vigorously fist his dick. He arches his back a few intches off the bed from the imense pleasure.

The last few seconds before his oragasm erupts, he thinks about jungkook and how he could be fucking him right now in his hole instead of into his hand, imaging his lewd moans and face while doing so.

"Oh fuck jungkookie, ah." He says in a squeezed out voice and bites his lip.

He quickly shoots out ribbons of cum onto his hands and the sheets. His orgasm is more intense then usual, from his thoughts and fantasies of jungkook.

Jimin comes down from his high and flops down on the bed while panting, trying to catch his breath, arms spread out. He lies there for a minute thinking about what he just done, around his mess he made all over the bed in which he'll definitely clean later. Why the fuck would I just do that?? Wh- what is wrong with me? I- I feel so... dirty right now. Masturbating to my bestfriend?? .... but I couldn't help it...

A tear rolls down his cheek and leaves a trace like a raindrop running down a window. Soon after, a flood of tears come rushing out of his eyes and begins to sob.

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