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After breakfast, all the members are finished eating their food and go their separate ways except for jimin and jungkook.

Both stayed behind since it was their turn to wash the dishes and clean up. Last week it was Jin and Hobi.

They don't really mind doing the dishes (together), it never really did bother them but this time it feels... off. There's tension in the air and they can both feel it but neither comments on it- not trying to make it awkward.

It's decided that jungkook would wash the dishes and jimin would dry, by the both of them.

"Hey hyung, can you hand me all the dishes and put them on the counter next to me?" Jungkook says while making the dish water.

"Ok kookie." Jimin lightly smiles and agrees, getting the dishes from the table two by two, and placing the dishes gently next to jungkook.

Once putting them all down, he subconsciously observes jungkook washing the dishes while leaning back on the counter. Jimin's mesmerized by how jungkook looks glowing in the sunlight while washing the dishes. He looks... beautiful.

His heart begins beating a little faster and pupils dilate. He looks at jungkook's thin- but full- lips, his hands washing the dishes, looks up at his profile and takes everything in: eyes, nose, lips, (brown) hair, just everything.

He forgets about the tension.

Jungkook silently notices him staring but doesn't turn around nor say anything for a minute; he kind of likes jimins attention within the stare.

He unconsciously smiles at that thought.

Jimin catches his smile and smiles too. He kind of wanders why he is smiling and want's to find out.

"What are you smiling about?" Jimin says in a warm playful voice while grinning.

Jungkook gets startled from the sudden break of silence, causing the water to splash and suds flying up.

"It's nothing, just thinking about something." He says while trying to collect himself.

"And that something is?" Jimin softly smiles while getting closer to jungkook.

Jungkook notices and starts getting nervous, causing him to scrub the dishes a little harder. He doesn't want jimin to find out he was thinking about him... so he tells a lie instead.

"I was thinking about jin-hyung and how he made me that naengguk soup this morning, it was really good. He's such a nice hyung."

Well it wasn't a full lie since he was thinking about that, but just not at that moment jimin asked him.

"Indeed he is a very nice hyung." He agrees while crossing his arms.

Jimin is a little disappointed when he finds out that he's not the person jungkook was thinking about.

Little does he know, he actually was the person that jungkook was thinking about... little does he know that jungkook knows he likes him.

Hm, now would be a good time to tell him about my feelings since we're alone... but I can't for some reason? What if he rejects me and doesn't like me back?? Ughh, fuck. He says in his head while looking at jungkook.

Jimin starts getting anxiety and frustrated from his thoughts. Stomach churning from the thought of rejection and embarrassment. He sighs and groans and throws his head back while his hands are bracing the counter backwards.

He hops up on the counter, sitting on it.

While jungkook is rinsing and putting the dishes on the counter for jimin to dry, he sees jimin getting frustrated at something, but doesn't know what it is.

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