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An hour passes and all 3 boys are knocked out on the couch still in their respective positions on the sofa: Jimin lying down on jungkooks lap, jungkook leaning on his right side on the back cushion, and finally, Taehyung sleeping behind jungkook in the fetal position.

Someone walks into the living room while they're sleep. That someone is Yoongi.

He raises an eyebrow at the sleep trio, questioning the sight.

"Wander what happened here?" He whispers to himself, not wanting to wake them.

He walks over to coffee table and sees jimins tumbler cup and a leaking bag of water.

He groans to himself knowing that the water will ruin the expensive wood on the coffee table if not cleaned up.

But honestly, he doesn't really mind doing it.

So Yoongi goes to the kitchen to get some paper towels. He walks back to the living room heading to the coffee table. He first takes the tumbler cup off the table and places it on the floor next to it, getting the cup out of the way, then proceeds to wipe up the water.

After finished, he decides to throw the bag away in the kitchen and goes back into the living room.

Before putting the cup back on the table, he decides to take a sip out of curiosity.

"Blugh." He scrunches up his nose in disgust

He immediately regrets it. He fucking hates aloe vera. It may be good for you, but it's not good for your taste buds. He normally likes going by that statement when the subject of aloe vera is brought up.

He places the cup back on the coffee table and bends down to the open shelf and pulls out 3 blankets.

He goes over to three boys with the blankets in his arms, standing in front of the sofa for a little bit admiring their sleeping forms glowing in the orange pinkish sunset casting on their skins before gently placing each blanket on each member.

After doing so, he leans down and places a kiss on each of the boys forehead.

He then leaves the living room with a fond smile.





A few hours later jimin is the first to wake. It's night time and the lamp is on? When the fuck did the lamp get on? A- and when did I have a blanket on me? He thinks to himself in confusion. He slowly opens his eyes and realizes where he is... on jungkooks lap. His memory groggily comes back to him on how he got into this position.

Him crawling and laying on jungkooks lap out of jealousy and acute possessiveness because Taehyung wanted to get a little too touchy.

The pink haired idol blushes at the memory and covers his face in embarrassment. He really acted like a child and regrets his actions, but not really since he has an amazing pillow under him. He smiles at that thought.

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