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Jungkook goes to the gym after leaving the studio.

To be honest, he doesn't even feel like working out. He kind of just wants to be alone right now after hearing what he just heard. His bestfriend liking him?? Why didn't he see this coming-no. Why wasn't he prepared for this?

He should've know this would happen sooner or later. He just didn't want to think about it but in irony, he's thinking about it right now while laying down on a tredmill...yeah, a tredmill.

Long story short, when he came into the gym he went straight to the tredmill but didn't turn it on and just sat down on the conveyor belt and eventually laid down on his back all together to recollect on what happened today, and get his thoughts and feelings together.

Jungkook puts his hands up to his face and massages it. "Just...what the fuck." He says in an audible whisper and sighs through his hands. "What should I do? Should I tell him...about my feelings- wait hold on huh? How am I gonna tell him about feelings I haven't even figured out yet?"

"Fuck feelings at this point."

Jungkook just feels so lost and confused right now. He doesn't know what to do right now. Should he talk to someone about the whole situation and get advice? Or should he just figure out it all out on his own?

If he went with the first option, then that would just put jimins feeling for him out there and he definitely doesn't want to do that. For now, he'll just keep it all to himself.



Soon after he's done thinking about his thoughts, he gets up from the tredmill and walks over to the table against the wall and grabs a vanilla flavored granola bar from the snack basket. He then walks to the bench against the other wall and sits down bringing his knees to his chest wrapping his arms around his legs and resting his head on his knees.

He tears open the wrapping and brings the bar to his mouth and takes a bite. Granola bars never fail to make him feel better, especially vanilla ones. But today, it's just not helping.

Jungkook is interrupted from his thoughts when he hears the door to the gym opening.

He looks up and sees Taehyung entering.

Jungkook is a little confused on how Tae knew that he would be in here. Taehyung walks over to jungkook and jungkook watches Taehyung in confusion.

Taehyung is in front of jungkook now with his hand on his hip while jungkook is still sitting down on the bench.

"H- how did you know I was in here hyung?" Jungkook asks.

"So I can't work out?" Taehyung says.

"Um, since when did you start working out?" Jungkook raises an eyebrow.

"I don't."

"Then why the fuck are y-"

"Because I'm here to see you." Taehyung interrupts him.

"You could've just said that in the beginning but ok."

"Didn't want to."

At this point jungkook kind of just wants Taehyung to leave if he's gonna be this annoying.

"I-" jungkook closes his mouth when he couldn't think of what to say next.

"So what do you want and how did you know I would be in here?"

"Well first, jimin-hyung told me where you were and second, I kinda wanted to talk to you." Taehyungs voice softens at the last part of the sentence but jungkook doesn't notice nor catch on to the change of tone. Taehyung sits down next to jungkook on the bench legs crossed.

"You asked him where I was? Where is he by the way?"

"He's in the kitchen from when I left."



"So what exactly did you want to talk to me about?"

"Nothing really, just wanted to talk." Taehyung raises his eyebrows and smiles softly.

"Oh yeah!" Taehyung suddenly remembers why he partly came to see jungkook.

Jungkook gets startled from the sudden loud outburst. "What the fuck Tae, what is it?" Jungkook puts his hand to his heart clearly beating fast from being startled like that.

"When jimin came into the kitchen, he sounded like he was exhausted or frustrated? He said he was fine but obviously I didn't believe him."

"So why was he hyung?" Jungkook asks.

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you since you did a live with him earlier and I was hoping you would know."

"Guess he told you that too." Jungkook deadpans

"Yeah... but do you know why he was acting that way?"

Jungkook thinks for a moment. He thinks about what happened after the live. He remembers jimin talking about his feelings for him. Could that possibly connect to how jimin was feeling in the kitchen? Jungkook thinks. He contemplates whether or not he should tell Tae. He doesn't tell him that he stuck around and secretly and accidentally found out that jimin has feelings for him. But he does tell him part of the truth.

"I honestly don't, he was fine after we ended the live but he stopped me when I was about to leave and basically said never mind like he wanted to tell me something and decided not to for what ever reason."

"Hm, wander what it was that he wanted to tell you." Taehyung says.

"Who knows." Jungkook says in a sigh and shrugs his shoulders. He definitely doesn't want to tell Tae about the other half of the truth.

"So what else did you want to talk about?" Jungkook asks in curiosity.

"Oh I uh- nothing that was it." Taehyung can feel his face getting hot.

"...alright then?" Jungkook has a confused smile on his face.

"Well I'm gonna go to my room now, I'm a little tired." Jungkook says while getting up from the bench.

"Oh, well see you later." Taehyung says before jungkook leaves.

Taehyung lays down on the bench and sighs.

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