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Jungkook leaves the gym heading to his room, but he passes the kitchen doing so and sees...jimin....sitting at the island on his phone while drinking out of a tumbler cup... a chimmy one. Cute. Jungkook thinks when he see the cup.

He tries to avoid jimin by walking quietly behind him so he doesn't have to deal with the awkwardness...from the indirect love confession.

He slowly walks, careful not to make a sound... crash. Jungkook bumps his shin into an end table in the living room.

"F- fuck, shit". He hisses out while rubbing his shin trying to soothe the pain. He feels a hand on his back and turns around and sees jimin trying to comfort him.

He didn't even hear nor notice jimin coming; too focused on the pain.

"Are you ok?" Jimin says while directing jungkook to the quite expensive sofa to sit. "How did you bumb into the table?" He says while sitting next to jungkook rubbing his back.

"I- I um I... I wasn't looking where I was going?" He says in a awkward smile and stretches out 'going'. He kind of feels bad trying to avoid jimin now since he's helping him with his pain.

Jimin looks at jungkook before silently getting up disappearing into the kitchen.

Jungkook furrs his eyebrows in confusion while staring at jimin walking to the kitchen. Huh? He really just left me like that? He thinks while contemplating if he should wait for jimin or get up to see what his motives were.

Right on cue, he enters the living room with a bag of ice and his chimmy cup. Jungkook wanders what's in the cup.

Jungkook kind of feels bad now for doubting his best friend.

Jimin sits down next to jungkook putting the items on the coffee table in front of them. "Be careful next time, jungkook-ah." Jungkooks heart flutter from his soft caring tone.

He props jungkooks leg on his own; placing the ice gently on his shin while slowly caressing his thigh.

Jungkook stills from the intimate movement that jimin is advancing on his thigh.

The ice is ok, but the caressing? It does feel good to him- maybe a little too good; the feeling traveling up from his thigh to his lower regions. He definitely doesn't want to get hard in front of his bestfriend. That's too embarrassing.

It dawns on him...what jimin said in the studio. Maybe that's why he's doing it- out of affection? Not the friend type of affection, but the romantic affection.

Maybe he's just overthinking and he could just be trying to soothe the pain from his leg.

He shakes his head at his overwhelming thoughts.

"What's wrong? You've been pretty quiet over there." Jimin chuckles a little.

"Oh it's nothing just..." he forces out a smile but doesn't finish his sentence when his eyes lands on jimins hand caressing his thigh. His smile drops. He's in a trance from the movement, almost completely forgetting about what he was saying.

Jimins eyes follow where jungkooks gaze is set upon...he realizes it's on his hand rubbing his thigh. Am I making him too uncomfortable? Fuck- what the fuck am I doing? Jimin thinks.

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