Youre enough

7 1 0

every punch i throw
gets weaker and weaker
as my strength slowly
and no matter how hard i try
it defeats me
over and over again


We should love..
But not fall in love
Because everything that falls
Gets broken 😞


Be here tomorrow
You will be strong again,
You will be happy again,
You will be you again.
They may be Gone,
But just make sure
You are here tomorrow


Life itself.
I contemplate my life
A lot more than I should.
In school, when things got/get hard
I would just think of killing myself
How easy it is and how pain free
It would be
When things get hard
I think of killing myself
How easy it is
And how pain free it would be....
When people talk down to me
I would think of killing myself
How easy it is
And how pain free it would be
When I see someone that has killed themself
I think of all the times I didn't
How difficult it was
And how painful it happened to be
I am 12 years old and I am contemplating my life
But sometimes I no longer think of it as easy and I no longer think of it as pain
Because to someone it may be the most traumatic act a person can do
To themselves and to those who care about them


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