You are beautifil the way you are

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I haven't really been feeling like myself lately
When I wake up I don't wanna do anything
And when I get out of bed I don't do anything I just kinda waste my time
It's funny because i have all these goals and ambitions but I just
I just can't bring myself to accomplish any of them -I just needed to write what I was feeling (I don't know who wrote this)


It's not that I don't believe in love
I do!!
I just don't believe that
Anyone could actually
Love me back
The way I love them


Maybe we are soulmates...
But just in another lifetime


I used to say
"I love my life"
A quarter mile at a time
And I think that's why we were sisters because you did too


Wake up to reality
Nothing ever goes as planned
In this accursed world


If your going through hell
What sense does it make to stop in the middle of fire?


I'm proud of you! You are doing your best and that's all I can ask for


hey old friend your doing so good keep going for me I'm not gone just resting

And... I will finish writing when I find more or think of more🥰🥰🥰🥰

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