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I don't feel anything anymore I'm not happy I'm not sad I'm just numb

You took all my happiness away

You think I'm tired but I'm not I'm slowly drowning and you can't see that bc I'm trying to help you so much 🥺

There is no way to tell them because they will never understand

I'm sorry I just want to be happy but I'm tired Of watering a dead plant

I just want all the pain to stop

To my mom: Mom I'm not who u wanted me to be. I'm losing myself and I'm only still here because u need me

to my dad: I guess the apple really doesn't fall far from the tre. I know u never wanted me to be like u but I am. I'm your little copy

im scared that if you love me for what you know
you'll leave me when you realize that im just damaged goods

I'm trying, I'm sorry, I'm tired, but I still cover all the pain with a smile

No one ever notices your tears. No one notices your sadness. No one notices your mental health. No one notices your pain. But they surely notice your mistakes.

People try to tell you that you can tell them how you really feel but is that true... what if I told you already and you brushed it off? Or you thought I was joking?

You should've known better than to believe me when I said I'm fine. But I'm fine 🙂

Just because I make people happy doesn't mean I'm happy.... I just don't want want you to feel my pain but yet you still insult me.

Do you ever worry that you're slowly losing interest in things that you used to love and now you don't even know who you are?

I got silent when I hear something that hurts my feelings... and it's the worst feeling.

I'm the song you skipped and find out later it was fire.

We are supposed to spend all of our Time happy when really we spend all our time wishing the clock is gonna run out soon. Hoping that that one piece
Of thread that is keeping you from falling of the cliff will break. But you can't tell your parents because you know that the people who did tell their parents either got sent away or were given pills that made them stop feeling anything. But maybe that would be ok maybe some time with people who feel the same as you or being on a pill that stops the feeling that you can't stand that stops you from cutting the thread. Or talking to a therapist that is just there to listen to you and let you tell them that you don't want to feel this way anymore and if you end it maybe all the pain will go away.

I'm scared and don't want to fail at life but I have no urge to be productive.

I do want lots of friends but I have social anxiety.

If I tried to explain my pain to people they would just mark me down as lazy or worthless so I distance myself from them.

Nothing makes me truly happy anymore

I may walk around smiling all day but I go to sleep crying.

I'm not angry I just am so tired of acting happy but I can't show you that I'm sad so the only thing I can show you is that I am angry. Maybe me being angry will push you away so you will hate me even more than you already do so when I end it all it won't even matter.

I'm more of a night person than a day person but there is a reason to that.

When I tell you I'm fine. I'm not. But I don't want you to worry.

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