No means no!

0 0 0

This message goes out to all the men who are saying "Not all men" when women are sharing they're stories.

First of all you are right real men do not do this to women.

Second not all men but enough to scare ALL WOMEN!

If I see a wasps Im not gonna go "oh not all of them are gonna sting me " no I am going to run because I do not know who won't and what ones will.

Women are scared of all men because they can't be sure which ones will hurt them until it already happened.

We should not have to protect girls just teach the men.

It is sad that women have to go through all of this and you little boys only care about the fact that some people are getting the percentage wrong.

If you are one of those guys who say "not all men" ok fine not all men but men like you. Men like you who don't know how to listen when a girl says no.

Just because you're dating doesn't mean you don't need consent. Just because you're married doesn't mean you don't need consent.

And as of the percentage... stop worrying about the percentage... the whole point is that it isn't at 0%.

And the percentage will never be accurate because so many girls, so many women are scared to share their stories because we know that men like the people who did it and men who say "not all men" are gonna say "oh well what were you wearing"

first of all this happens to a lot of little girls too so they could've been wearing dora pjs that doesn't change from the fact that man would've still done it.

And secondly a skirt is not an invitation!

#notallsharks #ripsaraheverard

(The fact that some of you little boys are mad that people are sharing their stories and because they put that it's at 100% and there is only .06 percent of girls left that's the only thing you care about shows that you are the problem.)

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