Something odd...or not?

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Hi Guys! This is my second fanfiction, and I am really hoping that it turns out good. I really love fantasy and fairytale, so I decided to twist the Divergent High Plot into something like this. Don't worry, its not too scary or anything. My first fanfiction is called Divergent High-School for the Gifted, and if it's not a bother, then please check it out! And now, on with the story

Disclaimer: All rights go to Veronica Roth. I own the plot and nothing more.

~Tris POV~

I wake up to my alarm playing Skillet by Monster, my favorite band. Realizing that I only have 30 minutes until school starts, I hurriedly jump out of bed and make my way over to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and throw on a pair of black leggings, a dark red off the shoulder crop top, and black converse. I brush my honey blond hair out and leave it down in loose curls. For makeup, I dab on foundation, black mascara and eyeliner, red lipstick, and clear lipgloss. I also put on black studs, since I have my ears pierced.

When I get downstairs, my mom is setting a tray of muffins on the table. "Morning mother! Oooh, muffins! Don't mind if I do!" I say in a British accent causing her to laugh. I grin at her and grab a chocolate chip muffin. "Mmm, teesh are greatch" I moan with a mouthful of food. "Morning to you too, Beatrice. The bus will be here in ten minutes, better get ready." she states calmly. "Mmkay, By-waith. Where'sh Caweb?" I ask, my words garbled by the muffin.
"Oh, he left already. Something about you taking too long"
Caleb is my older brother. He is only 10 months older than me though, so we're in the same grade.
"Kay, bye mom!" I yell, before kissing her cheek, grabbing my bag and running out the door.
"Bye Beatrice! Have a nice day!"

The bus pulls up and I take a seat next to a tall mocha skinned girl with short, jet black hair. Pretty.
"Hi, I'm Christina! You must be new, I haven't seen you before, and I know practically everyone here. What's your name? Are you a sophomore? I am!"
I can't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "My name is Be-Tris. My name is Tris. Yes, I'm a sophomore, and yes I'm new."
"Cool! We're gonna be besties!" she says, thrusting her arm forward for me to shake. I take it and shake, and my eyes widen.
"What's wrong?" asks Christina immediately, her wide brown eyes looking at me with concern.
"Nothing" I reply. "Its just...You're freezing! Are you feeling alright?" I ask awkwardly.
"Oh..I..uh..I'm always cold! Just always been that way... So where did you move from?" she asks, changing the subject. Weird, but I decide to let it go. We spend the rest of the ride chatting until we reach the school.

As the bus pulls up, Christina takes my arm, pulling me with her. "C'mon! I have to introduce you to my friends! Then we can sit together at lunch, have parties, and be besties forevs!" she says clasping her hands together while staring off into some place that only she can see. I laugh, and wave my hands in front of her face. She snaps back to reality and hooks her arm through mine. 'C'mon, I'll introduce you to the gang!"

We navigate through the sea of students until we finally see a group of people standing and talking together by the lockers. Christina drags me behind her, and exclaims in delight, "Hey guys! How were your summers? Long time no see! This is Tris, by the way. She just moved here from Greenvile, North Carolina, and she's my new bestie."
"All right Christina, 1. We saw each other last weekend at the sleepover. 2. It's nice to meet you Tris, welcome to Divergent High. I'm Marlene, by the way " says one of the girls smiling. She's pretty in a sweet way, with wavy, natural dark red hair, and emerald green eyes. But she turns her head to nod at me in welcome, and my eyes widen. Is it just me, or do her eyes suddenly look red? But then I blink, and it's gone. I shake my head. I must be seeing things today.
Christina introduces the rest of the gang to me, and I smile and nod at all of them. They all seem exetremely friendly. There's Marlene, who seems like one of those genuinely sweet girls. Then there's Shauna. She has pin straight brown light brown hair, and hazel eyes. She's not that pretty, but she's certainly attractive. Shauna has a younger sister named Lynn, who also has light brown hair and hazel eyes, but has her hair cut in a pixie cut. She's striking. There are four boys in the group, Will, Uriah, Zeke, and Four. Will has blond hair and celery green eyes. He's cute, I guess, but not my type. I can already tell from the seemingly discreet glances that Christina shoots at him, that she has a crush on him. Uriah has tanned skin and black hair. I can see the corner of a tattoo curling around his ear, and he seems to be a jokester. His older brother, Zeke, looks very similar to Uriah, execpt that he is slightly shorter and broader.
Last but certainly not least, I turn my gaze to Four. He has a spare upper lip and a full lower lip. Even though I am not standing close to him, it is obvious that he has muscles, although not in the gross way. His short hair is a dark brown, almost black, and he is tall. But what entices me the most are his eyes. They are the most beautiful shade of dark blue that I have ever imagined, with a patch of lighter blue on his right iris. Like the ocean. He suddenly shifts his gaze to me, and I quickly drop my head before he can catch me staring. New school year, here I come.

Do you like it? Should I continue, or not? Please provide feedback!


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