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Hey guys. Hope you're enjoying so far. And Surprise! This chapter is in Tobias' point of view. 

Disclaimer: Veronica Rotth owns Divergent, not me

Recap from last time: Through the misty haze that has begun to cloud my eyes, I hear Four give a yell and run to my side. Somewhere, some time, a girl screams. The last thing I see before I black out are beatiful ocean blue orbs. 

Tobias POV is going to start when they begin making their way back to the bonfire

~Tobias POV~

            As Tris and I make our way back to the gang, I brood about what Tris will think of me after she finds out what I am. I was just beginning to like her, and now she'll probably think that I'm some kind of freak.
            After we reach the campfire, we eat marshmellows and smores while singing campfire songs. Well, at least the others do. I don't sing anything. When we finish everything, Tris asks the question that I was dreading.
"Alright guys, we've done all the fun stuff. Now can you tell me what's going on?"
"Tris, I don't-" Christina gets cut off as Tris says impatiently
"Christina, you promised you'de tell me. Now spill."
            Everyone in the circle gives Christina reassuring nods and glances but I do not even look at Christina. My eyes never leave Tris. For a split second Tris' eyes catch mine across the circle, and a confused expression consumes her face. The next moment it is gone as she turns back to Christina.
"Fine then. None of us - None of us are exactly normal." Christina says hesitantly

"What is it? Christina, tell me!" Her golden-blonde tresses flutter in the slight breeze. I can only stare at her with what I assume is an agonized expression on my face as Christina continues,
"Tris. We are...we are-" 

She gets cut off as a high-pitched yowl fills the air. Lightning flashes through sky as the familiar crackle of thunder rings through the previously silent atmosphere. Rain begins to pour down heavily and the temperature suddenly drops so that goosebumps rise on my skin. Christina's eyes widen in alarm and she whirls around to look at me. The rest of the gang look up at me, waiting for me to tell them what to do, not including Tris who just looks confused. I spring to my feet immediately, recognizing the noise. 

"Tris. You need to get out of here now. Girls, you better go with Tris. Guys, stay with me. We need to get rid of them." I say firmly
The sound comes from where I least expected it.
"No! You guys have to tell me what's going on! How can I trust you if you don't trust me?!" Tris exclaims.
"Tris. Please. Go now." I says warningly
She glares at me.

I feel like throwing something. Tris opens her mouth to continue, but she suddenly stops with a jerk as something whizzes through the air and strikes her on the neck, barely grazing my hair. Her fingers find the source of the sudden interuption, and pull it out of her neck. An almost empty syringe sits in her open palm. She looks up and her blue-grey orbs find mine. For a second, everything is silent, and not one sound can be heard. 

Then I give a yell and run to Tris' side. Christina screams, as she too realizes what was in the syringe. I reach Tris just in time to catch her as she drops. The syringe falls out of her palm and rolls away. I look up at the rest of the gang. 

"Oh god, what are we going to do?" 

Uriah's voice rings through the commotion. Will grabs the syringe and inspects the few drops of liquid that are still left inside it.
" 'A' grade torture serum" his tone is grave, confirming what I had already suspected.

"The victim will experience about an hour of torture before they slowly die an agonizing death." he says somberly. Christina lets out a sob and runs to Tris' side. Right on cue, Tris eyes open. But they aren't looking looking at me. In fact, they aren't looking at anyone. They are staring off into some place that only she can see. Then the screams begin. A blood-curdling scream rings out of her mouth and Shauna and Marlene also run towards Tris. It is then that I realize that I am still holding Tris, and I gently lay her down on the grass. Rain is still pouring and all of us are drenched. Tris' screams suddenly stop, and for a second I think that the torture is over. But the next moment her body begins spasming horribly and the screams resume, even more ear-splitting than before. 

"Oh god, what do we do? What do we do?" Christina's voice asks, sobs cracking her words.
"Here, try to-to hold her down!" Marlene's voice cracks, as more tears make their way down her face.
I make a descision right then and there.
"Alright. This is what we're going to do." I say calmly, inspite of the fact that my heart is in a turmoil of eruptions.
"Girls, you stay with Tris. Do what you can to help her. Guys, you're coming with me. Those wolves have done enough harm. We need to get rid of them, once and for all."
Marlene and Christina don't respond, too busy with Tris.
Shauna says shakily, "Okay. Good luck, guys. I believe in you, but please hurry. You only have an hour, so try to find out how to cure her before then." she finishes just as another of Tris' bone-chilling screams fills the air.
I nod once before sprinting off in the direction of the howl, the other guys hot on my heels.

What's going on? What will happen to Tris? Who are these strange wolves? It'll all come together in the next 2-3 chapters!

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