Tell me what just happened.

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  • مهداة إلى Neha Senthil

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I got caught up with my other story, Divergent High-School for the Gifted. Please check it out if you can!

Disclaimer: I don't own Divergent. Rights to Veronica Roth.

~Tris POV~

After about 10 minutes of me worrying and pacing, Christina comes out, looking pale.

"I have to go. I'll uh...see you at school, Tris" she groans before sprinting out the door. But not before I catch the look in her eyes. They were vicious, almost predatory. And they were blood red.


The next day at school, the first thing I do is find Christina. 

"Hey, you okay? What happened yesterday?" I ask worriedly

"Yesterday? Oh, nothing! I just felt a bit naseous, that's all. I'm absolutely fine now!" she says quickly. A little too quickly. I narrow my eyes. 

"Christina? You're hiding something from me, and I know it."

By this time, the rest of the gang has arrived too.

"I know you guys aren't telling me something, and normally, I'm not one to pry into other people's business, but I have a gut feeling that this is something important. Really important. And until you are able to confide that secret in me, I'm not going to be able to believe anything you guys say anymore" I say shrugging my shoulders.

Christina looks uncomfortable after my long speech. "Look, Tris. It's not that we don't trust you. Really, we do. But what you're dealing with is nothing. I was just feeling naseous, that's all. There's nothing going on that you should know. Really."  She says it so calmly and pleadingly that I almost believe her. Almost. I still have a feeling that something's not right, and I intend to find out exactly what it is. 

"Anyway, that's a super cute outfit you're wearing today!" she says perkily, in an obvious attempt to change the subject.

"Thanks?" It sounds more like a question as I glance down at what I'm wearing. 

A tight, black, sweetheart neckline top with short sleeves and dark blue jeggings paired with a my signature black converse. I also have on black studs. My hair is straightened and let down, with a black headband keeping it out of my face. Light pink lipstick, clear, shimmery lipgloss, foundation, and mascara and eyeliner, and my look is complete. 

Just then, the bell rings and we all scuttle off into class. It is only after the lesson is halfway through that I realize that I forgot to ask Christina about the red eye part. I know I wasn't imagining this time. 

During lunch, I try again. 

"Listen, Christina. my house...I...I just..." I trail off, unsure of how to continue without sounding stark raving mad.

"Why were your eyes red?" I burst out.

The whole table instantly goes quiet, and all eyes are on me. 

"I know I wasn't imagining it this time" I say quietly. "I need an answer, Christina." 

She openes and closes her mouth like a fish a couple times before saying, "Tris. My eyes weren't red. They're brown see? Brownshe says, leaning closer to me so that I can inspect her eyes. 

"Guys. Why are you lying to me? I know that something is going on!"

Christina sits back, and shakes her head. I suddenly realize that every single person at the table is staring at Four. 

"Fine" he says, his deep voice coming out low and powerful

"Fine" he repeats. "I suppose you have a right to know. But not now. It's Thursday, today, and we don't have school tomorrow. How about this. Today night we can have a bonfire at Allegiant Park. We'll explain everything then." 

The rest of the gang stare at him. Shauna, Marlene, Uriah, and Christina are gawking at him with their mouths open, and Zeke and Will just look aghast. Even tough, emotionless Lynn looks shocked, which only makes me even more anxious for the end of this school day. 

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