Lessons to be Learned

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Hey guys! Thanks for getting me 4 votes for the last chapter! Can I get 6 votes for this one?

Disclaimer: Veronica Roth owns Divergent not me

~Tris POV~

"Vampire 101" Christina states firmly. "Always wear your sunglasses while in the presence of a mortal."

Currently, Marlene, Shauna and Lynn are lounging on my bed, while Christina stands in front of a whiteboard. She is indicating a picture with a wooden pointer about as long as my arm. Christina rambles on and on about what and what not to do while being a vampire, and my mind begins wandering, flashing back to yesterday night.


"Tris. We are Vampires."

His sapphire orbs are on mine, dark and insistent. I swallow. I should have known. The red eyes, the long nails, the freezing skin. It all makes sense. The clocks suddenly goes off, and I hear 8 long dings. When I looks back at Four, I am shocked. The blue orbs that I've come to love so much have been replaced by something else. Glowing, red, irises peer back at me through the gloom.

"Tris. It was Peter.He injected you with a torture serum that would kill you after torturing you for an hour. There was only one way to save you."

My eyes widen. I know exactly what he means.

"You-You mean that I'm a...I'm a vampire?"

He takes a deep breath.

"Yes Tris. You're a vampire. And I was the one that bit you. I-I had to."

~Flashback over~

It took some getting used to, but now, I've come to terms with the fact that I'm a vampire. Plus, super speed, honed senses and fangs! That is pretty awesome.

"Tris! Are you even listening to me?" Christina snaps her fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry. Come again?" I ask sheepishly.

"I was saying that female vampires have naturally flawless skin, which means no more acne for you! Plus, I'm not really sure how to say this, but when you become a vampire, your looks change."

"Change? How?"

"Don't worry, for the better. Your hair starts shining, and becomes lustrous and voluminous. Your eyes sparkle, and your body developed massive curves. The reason that we're so, well, beautiful, is that in the olden days, female vampires would seduce mortal men so that they could drink their blood. Now, of course, we don't do that, but we still get to be beautiful anyway."

"Oh. Wow."

"Yep. Within a week, you're gonna be a golden haired temptress." she says, poking my side. I blush, and she laughs.

"So, anyway, when you become a vampire, you're looks change a bit. Every night, at 8:00, your body transforms so that you are in your vampire form. There's no way to stop it. During that time, your nails become longer and pointier. Your skin becomes kinda lighter, so that it looks a bit washed out, and most importantly, your eyes turn blood red."

I nod along, trying to keep up.

Christina continues, "During this time, it is very, and I cannot stress how important this point is; it is very important for you to stay away from your family, and anyone else who is human. When a vampire sees a human, they get an overwhelming urge to bite them, which they cannot prohibit. Do you understand?"

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