Only one way

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Hey guys. Hope you're enjoying so far. Here's your chapter!

~Tobias POV~ 

The guys and I sprint through the massive tangle of trees, Tris's blood-curdling screams still audible in the torrent of rain. All of a sudden from behind the nearest tree, a dark figure emerges. I know who it is immediately. 

"Peter" I say harshly

"It's so good to see you, Four" he says, his voice is smooth and oily. "How's your girlfriend doing?"

I lunge at him, my vision clouded with red and it takes the combined strength of Will, Uriah, and Zeke to hold me back. 

"What did you do to her?" I demand through clenched teeth. 
"Ah, now that is an interesting question." Peter says coolly, transforming back into his human state. The rest of this cronies begin to walk out slowly from behind the rest of the trees. Drew, Al, Nita, Eric, and Molly, all in their human form, but still with the predatory look in their amber eyes. 

"I suppose your geek here figured out what that serum was?" Peter asks carelessly, indicating Will. Will glares at him, and it takes all my self-control not to kill Peter right there. Another bone-chilling scream echoes through the air followed by the sound of racking sobs, and I lose it. I grab Peter by his collar and slam him against a tree. 

"What did you do to her? How do we get that damn serum out of her system?" I growl, pulling him forward and slamming him back again. 

"You know, trying to force it out of me isn't going to work." he says calmly. I release him and push him back. Zeke grabs my shoulder. 

"Man, I know how you're feeling, but violence isn't going to work here." he says, although he looks ready to kill Peter himself. I sigh heavily and take a deep breath in a futile attempt to calm myself down. All of a sudden, a figure dashes out from among the trees. When she gets close we see wavy red hair that bobs up and down as she runs. Marlene

"Marlene? What are you doing here?" Uriah asks in shock. 

Marlene rests her hands on her knees and pants heavily. 

"I...I..." she stops to catch her breath. When she straightens, we see tears running down her face. She turns to look at me. 

"Four, I don't..." she stops to take a deep breath and hold in another sob. 

"...I don't thing she's going here much longer. Her body is spasming and jerking even more than it-even more than it was before, and-and she's started crying and screaming all sort of things. She keeps saying 'don't hurt my friends, take me!' and 'no! not my family!' and... I just..." Marlene's voice cracks. A blood-curdling scream rings through the air, and Marlene shoots me another agonized look before running back the way she came. 

"There's only 20 minutes left for the hour!" she cries before disappearing into the thicket. 

"Oops! Looks like there's not enough time to cure her!" Peter says mockingly. The rest of his cronies burst into peals of raucous laughter as I glare at them.

A cold feeling of dread begins to fill my body. "What do you mean?" I growl menacingly.

"He means, my darling Four, that your little girlfriend is as good as dead!" Nita squeals.

"The cure for torture serum, oh it takes about 30 minutes to make. So...oh well! Better say your good-byes!" says Molly spitefully.

I stare at them at a loss for words. My mind is going through a whirlwind of thoughts. 

The full impact of Molly's words hit me, and I sink to the grass on my knees, my head in my hands. Tris is going to die? That can't be true! Just one hour ago she was so bright and bubbly. She was talking to me at the chasm. We were sitting together at the chasm. And she was absolutely fine. Oh god, what have we done? What have I done? This is all my fault. I was the one who said that she should know about what we were. And now look where that's led her! Tris is going to die Surely there's another way. We have to save her. I look up at Peter. 

"You'll pay for what you've done." I say rising to my feet. I share a quick look with the guys, before we begin sprinting back to where Tris lies. 

When we get there we see Christina, Marlene, Shauna and Lynn trying to comfort Tris. Christina and Marlene are on their knees, trying to comfort her, saying things like, "Its not real, Tris! and "Tris, please! You're just imagining it!" Shauna and Lynn are trying to hold her down, without much success. All of them, even Lynn, are sobbing after seeing Tris' plight. When the girls see us, they gaze at us hopefully. It just makes me feel even worse as I shake my head slightly. Christina and Marlene burst into tears while Shauna and Lynn just stare at us, shocked. 

"No." Shauna says shaking her head rapidly. "No, no, no, no, no!" the tears on her face mingling with the rain that has soaked us thoroughly. 

I drop to my knees next to Tris, and gently take her hand in mine.
"I'm so sorry" I whisper softly, so that no one else can hear me.
"I wish that I had never brought you into this mess. If only I could..." I trail off as an idea strikes me.
I jump up causing everyone else to stare at me curiously.
"Guys, we can save her. Just one catch: She's not going to be human anymore."
Lynn gasps audibly.
"You mean..."
I nod firmly, my expression stoic.
"It's the only way."
The rest of the gang nod at me, their expressions determined.  
            "Alright, we have..." I say checking my watch,"10 minutes for the hour. No time to lose.Christina, hold her right arm down. Marlene, grab her left. Shauna and Lynn, Hold her legs down. Uriah and Zeke, keep a look out in case the wolves decide to show up again. Will, show me where. I'll do it." 

Everyone nods, and takes their positions immediately. 

"7 minutes left, Four." Zeke states warningly as he and Uriah begin scouting. 

I nod once. 

The girls keep a tight grip on Tris, trying to reduce her thrashing and Will studies her for a second before moving her scarf off to the side and indicating a spot on her neck. 

"Ready?" I ask the others. They nod and shoot me supporting looks, and still on my knees, I bend down slightly. I feel my teeth beginning to sharpen, and when I know that they have reached their full size, I lightly bite Tris neck. For a second there is no sound at all other than the pitter-patter of the rain. Then Tris' entire body goes still. Marlene, Christina, Shauna, and Lynn let go of Tris arms and legs, and I take a moment to study Tris. Her honey-golden tresses are spread out like a halo around her face, and she has turned pale. 

"And time" comes Will's voice. }
"The hour's up. If it worked, then she should wake up within the next minute." he says somberly. 

The rest of us shift our eyes back to Tris. I gaze her intently. When she doesn't stir, I feel something inside me crumble. I drop my head, my eyes burning, and try to muffle the sob that is threating to burst from my mouth. Then I hear a gasp and look up. Christina is pointing at Tris, eyes wide and one hand covering her mouth. I turn my eyes to Tris, and do a double take. She's stirring. The next moment, she bolts upright into a sitting position, her back perfectly straight. Her eyes are still closed. I watch as her eyelids slowly flutter open. Her head is facing me, and the first thing her eyes make contact with are mine. I experience a feeling of triumph as I gaze back at her. 
Her eyes are blood red. 

So how was the chapter? In case you didn't get it, then just know that it'll all come together in the next two chapters!


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