Getting to Know the Gang Part 2

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Sup guys? I hope you've been enjoying my story so far. Just to make it clear to everyone, I'm still in middle school, so I'd rather not use swear words that are too harsh for this story. I am sorry if this is controversial to anybody's wishes, but that's what I would prefer. On with the story now!

Disclaimer: If I owned Divergent there wouldn't have been a very the end of Allegiant. THE FEELS.

~Tris POV~

           I make my way over to science, picking through the crowd of students. I have AP Science, so Christina told that the class would be made up of mostly seniors and some juniors. On the bright side, I have Four in this class, so at least I'll know someone. 

             When I reach the classroom, I get an earful of wolf whistles which cause me to blush. I wonder's not like I'm pretty. I see that there are only two seats available. One next to Four, and the other next to a boy with stringy, light brown hair and sludgy green eyes.
"Hey babe, wanna sit with me? We can have some fun!" he yells, causing me to internally gag.
Four frowns and pats the empty seat next to him, signaling me to sit with him. I give him a grateful smile which he returns and shove my books under my desk just as the teacher walks in. Mrs. Matthews seems to be the opposite of Tori: strict, uptight, and harsh. 
"Alright, Class. I am Mrs. Matthews. I hope that you are happy with the seat that you have chosen, as that will be your seat for the rest of the year."
I instantly turn to Four, my eyes asking if he is okay with that. He gives me a small smile and nods, which somehow makes me blush. I see him smirk again, and do my best to concentrate on what Mrs. Matthews is saying. 
" with partner...huge portion of your grade." I immediately turn to Four, panicking. 
"What did she say? I got...distracted! What was she talking about?" 
"Calm down, Tris" His voice is deep, soothing. "She's just going to pass out some directions and we make the serums with our table partners, which for you, would be me." 
I nod. That's actually pretty simple. 
"Also" he continues, "if you don't mind me asking, what excactly distracted you?" 
I glance at him. It looks like he's surpressing a smile. 
"Shut up" I say, my face coloring. He laughs a deep, booming laugh that seems to come from deep inside him, but fortunately, doesn't say anything more on the subject. 

                                                    {Time Lapse: They finished making the serum}

          "Well, that's done" I say, raking my fingers through my hair. 
"Alright class, you are dismissed for 3rd period. If you noticed, none of the serums were labeled. This is because we do not konw which serum you have made. The results will be a surprise. We will test the serums next week to find out which serum you made on one member of your group. Which member of each group would like to be tested?" 
My hand has shoots up before Four can even react. I feel like he did most of the work, so it's only fair that I am the test subject. He starts to protest, but I give a look and he shuts up. 
As soon as she is done writing down the test subjects' names, the class barrells out the door in a desperate attempt to escape the science classroom. Four chuckles at my skeptical expression before putting his stuff away and saying, "I gotta head to Social Studies. Catch ya later, Tris!" 
I stand alone in the class. Catch ya later Tris. The words play over and over in my head. I just met him! Why can't I just stop thinking about him?

Sorry for the short chapter, guys. I'll try to do better next time. Please read, review, and favorite!


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