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Recap from last time: I lean my head on his shoulder and we end up relaxing like that admiring a raging river and a full moon, his hand on my waist, my hand clutching his other one tightly. 

~Tris POV~

My phone suddenly rings, and we jump apart. Four's face is bright red as he says, "um...we should get back to the gang. They're probably worried about us." 

"Oh, uh...right! G-Good point. Um...let's get going, then." I stutter out. My face probably resembles a tomato, and I look away to hide my blush. Dimly, I am aware of the fact that my phone is still ringing, and I huff before answering it. 

"GIRL, WHERE ARE YOU?" Christina's voice come out, high ands shrill.


"Relax, Christina, Four and I are together. I mean, we're hanging out together, that is." I say, hastily covering up my mistake. 

"Oooh, you're with Four?" Christina's tone changes completely. 

"Oh, shut up, Chrissy. We didn't do anything. We're on our way there." I say and hang up the phone before she can say anything else. 

"C'mon, Four. Let's go." I say, forcing myself not to get lost in his blue orbs again. 

He nods, and we begin walking back the way we came. 

"Tris? Can you-Can you not tell anyone about this place?" He rubs his neck and looks away like he's embarassed "It's just- I know it's selfish of me, but I like to come here by myself, and I don't want everyone to know about it." 

"Aw, don't worry Four. I don't think it's selfish. I won't tell anyone. Your secret's safe with me." I say, crossing my heart

He gives me a small smile, and we resume walking until we reach the gang. They have marshmellows out, and a bonfire going. 

 {Time Skip: They have all eaten and sang silly bonfire songs, and that stuff already}

"Alright guys. Let's cut to the chase. We've done all the fun stuff. Now can you tell me what's going on?" I ask, curiously. 

"Tris, I don't-"

"Christina" I cut her off impatiently. "You promised you'de tell me. Now spill."

She looks around at the circle, and everyone nods at her except for Four, who just stares at me with an almost pained expression in his eyes. 

"Fine then. Tris, none of us-none of us are exactly normal..." she trails off. 

"What is it, Christina, tell me!" 

"Tris. We...We are-" 

She gets cut off as a high-pitched howl fills the air. The previously warm air suddenly becomes chilly, and lightning suddenly flashes the sky as rain begins to pour down. Christina looks around alarmed, and then fixes her eyes on Four. It is then that I realize that everyone is looking at Four, almost as if he is their leader. He springs to his feet immediately. 

"Get Tris out of here now. Girls, you better go with her. Guys, stay with me. We've got to get rid of them." His voice is low and authorative.


Everone looks at me as if I'm crazy.

"No! You guys have to tell me what's going on! How can I trust you if you don't trust me?!" I exclaim. 

"Tris. Please. Go now." Four says warningly

I glare at him. 


I open my eyes to say more, but get cut off when I feel a sharp pain in the side of my neck. My fingers find the source of the pain, and pull it out of my neck. I stare wide-eyed at the syringe in my hand. Droplets of yellowish green liquid are still left in it. Through the misty haze that has begun to cloud my eyes, I hear Four give a yell and run to my side. Somewhere, some time, a girl screams. The last thing I see before I black out are beatiful ocean blue orbs. 

Cliffy! Hope you're enjoying so far! You'll find out what happens in the next chapter! How soon I update depends on the number of reviews and votes, so please comment and vote! 


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