An Hour of Torture

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Heu guys! Thanks for getting me 8 votes on the last chapter!

Disclaimer: Veronica Roth owns Divergent and it's characters. I own only the plotline of this story. 

~Tris POV~

I feel something strike me on the side of my neck. The last thing I see before I black out are beautiful blue orbs. 

            My eyes suddenly open, and I find myself standing in a wide field. Milkweed sways lazily in the wind, and the sun resembles a great orange sphere. What's going on? Where am I? All of a sudden, a dark shadow blacks out the sun. I squint, trying to make out what it is. My eyes widen when I realize. Crows. Hundreds of them. No, thousands of them. Here to peck me and torture me and kill me. I scream and try to run, but find that my feet are firmly planted on the ground. I can't move. A crow circles above my head several times before landing on my shoulder. It screeches a loud, drawn out sound that makes me even more panicked. I begin to swat and hit the crow on my shoulder but it doesn't budge. I fall onto my knees, which I am somehow able to do, despite not being able to run. I put my head in my hands and try to think. More and more crows land on and around me, and begin to tear and bite at my flesh. I sob, trying desperately to think of a way out. What do I do, What do I do? 

             Wait a second. Just a little while ago I was sitting with Four at the chasm. Just a little while ago I was singing and eating smores with my friends. I couldn't have just magically transported here. Which can only mean one thing... 

"This isn't real" I whisper to myself out loud.

I slowly relax my body, and let myself be pecked the crows. The next moment, I feel a warm feeling enveloping me, and the crows are gone. I begin to walk forward, but my face slams into something cold and smooth. Glass. I am standing behind a glass wall. Confused, I turn around and start walking in the opposite direction. Again, I slam into something hard and cold. Another wall of glass. The ceiling glints above me. My mind suddenly realizes what's happening. I'm trapped in a glass box. But what's going on? 

"There's nothing dangerous about a glass bo-..." I trail off when I see water begining to fill the box. I close my eyes. I'm going to drown. I'm going to drown. I'm going to drown. No Tris. Think, THINK. You can get out of this. I open my eyes and begin to focus. I will the glass in front of me to shatter. The glass is ice. The glass is ice. The glass is ice. I repeat it over and over in my head, before slamming my palm onto the glass. A small crack appears. The water is up to my waist now. I move back slightly, and then slam my body into the glass as forcefully as I can. The glass suddenly shatters as the water pours out and I let out a sigh of relief. I'm ready to move on now. I know how this works and how to overcome it. I just need to be brave now. 

                        {Time Skip to the end of Tris' fear landscape, exluding the fear of intimacy}

            I stand in a circle of light alone and nervous. My throat is raw and body is sore from crying, screaming, and self defense. I was just made to shoot my own family. Of couse, I let myself be killed instead. I would never do anything to hurt anyone in my family on purpose. Suddenly, about ten feet away, my family appears. I stare at them in confusion. 

"Mom? What're you doing here? What's going on?" I ask out loud. 

My mother smiles a gentle smile. "Just know that no matter what happens, we'll always love you, Beatrice." she says softly. 

I begin to get tense. "Mom. What's going on?" The words have just left my mouth when the shot of a gun goes off and my mother collapses to the floor in a pool of blood. My eyes widen and I begin to run towards them. Or at least, I try to. My feet remain firmly anchored to the ground. I can only watch in horror as another bullet goes through my dad. My tears begin flow freely now. 

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