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On that day in February, I was hopeful about us meeting again, but I did have a bad feeling that he will just forget about it in the next days and we'll probably never talk again. That's why I was so surprised when chatting and then even texting and calling became an almost daily activity for both of us. I was always looking forward to his messages and I always managed to at least keep up with the F1 news even though the season didn't even start yet. I knew that even if he forgets about the ticket I will probably watch every race he will have in the upcoming season. At least as much as my time will let me.

Then with the end of March, I was finally free and could plan my days how I wanted. It wasn't my best seasons, full of little injuries and problems as I was just losing my faith in myself. Julien didn't help either as he tried to push me even harder when I was down. What he didn't know was that him pushing me was the one thing that caused the stress and pressure that I felt every time I travelled for one of the rounds and stepped out before a competition. Still, he was the kind of a person who you couldn't talk with or he would just take it the wrong way and just make everything worse than it already was. For me, it was easier to just hold it inside me and try not showing anything to him.

I was just lying across my couch, totally spent after yet another workout, that I would have loved to skip, when my phone gave a little sound, making me pick it up immediately. ' How does China, Shanghai sound? ' Was the text across my screen which I opened with a double-tap in the next second. I didn't really know what Pierre wanted to mean with that message, my brows furrowing as I typed out an answer.

' I've never been to. Why? ' I asked him, lying back on the couch again with a pillow under my head and a soft blanket over my legs even though it was probably melting hot outside. I usually liked feeling comfy under one during nights like today, when I was just done with life.

' If you're free. ' His response came a minute later followed by two screenshots. I opened them curiously but my jaw probably dropped to the first floor from my fifth-floor apartment when I saw what they were about. I couldn't resist and open his contact so I could call him as I kicked down my blanket.

„ Pierre, I could have bought them myself. You didn't have to. " I started as soon as he picked up, and I probably got his greeting stuck in his throat. I could hear him chuckling though which was a good sign that he didn't choke at least.

„ I was the one inviting you, so I'm the one who will get you the ticket. That's how that works. You will have to deal with that. " He said in a voice that made me give up the fight as I knew he won't change his mind. „ I'm going with the same plane if that's okay with you. I just got back to Italy and will be flying to China with you. " He added making me smile at my thoughts. I couldn't deny that I loved every second I got to spend with him.

„ That's perfect... I mean at least I won't get lost at the airport. " I corrected myself as soon as I caught it and hoped he wouldn't misunderstand it. Or more like catch how I actually meant it. „ We can meet at the airport I guess. Is it departing from Milano? " I asked him, taking out my notepad where I had my plans written down just so I can check if I have to push anything back.

„ Yes. My plane will arrive a little before the next one departs. So we can meet at the airport. " He answered after a second of thinking while I crossed out two phone calls that I wouldn't be able to take while travelling.

„ Yeah, that would be great. " I sighed out, but I got excited as soon as I had F1 written in down into my plans for the week, like a little kid who was told he can eat dessert for breakfast. „ I guess this is the only time when I will be proud of myself for not yet packing out fully from my suitcase. " I let out a laugh as soon as my eyes landed on the mentioned baggage left next to my bedroom door.

Inquisitione - Pierre GaslyWhere stories live. Discover now