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Going into the weekend knowing it would probably be my last race weekend at Pierre's side was sad, even though I knew for the last few weeks already that we would end soon as a couple. Knowing about it and choosing the date didn't make it one tiny bit easier or better afterwards. The whole week building up to the days we spent at the track, I was trying to come up with a plan about what I would say to make the break up less painful and also to not give away the reasons for it. The last thing I needed was an angry PR personnel breathing down my neck just because I didn't go through the exact plan she asked from me. Hurting her and Pierre's friendship and work relationship wasn't on the Menu and would never be. As much as I was angry at her and the team, I knew they were the ones giving him the seat and everything he needed, which I couldn't just mess up because they made me suffer. That would only hurt Pierre, who wasn't at fault in any way.

Not even by the time race day came up could I work out a real plan or monologue that was half decent to use for the actual break up. I was pretty close to postponing it and debating in my head that I would just do it over text, but I really didn't want to be that person. If I had to do it one way or another he deserved to hear it face to face and not just read it in a text while I was already gone. I could only hope that during Saturday or Sunday I would be able to come up with something that didn't sound lame and was believable. Something other than I would need time away from the media and just lay low a bit, as we both knew quite well I was way more calm since getting together with him and learned to just ignore what articles and social media posts say.

However, I still went with him like nothing was wrong, even though I knew this would only make the inevitable future stranger. Us walking down the paddock and even the pit-lane hand in hand was a sight that was completely normal to everyone, but my own brain. But who cares about that, am I right? I could at least push that side of mine down a little, or at least I thought I would be able to. This thought lasted right until my eyes landed on a person that looked way too familiar and the moment he turned around I could recognise him as Julien. I knew he must have seen me as well, and the way he stopped in his tracks gave him away immediately. I wasn't any better either, freezing in my spot and not moving an inch even when Pierre yanked me a little, as he tried to continue on our route towards the hospitality. He at first turned towards me confused, before looking the exact way I was and spotting Julien as well. I could immediately feel his hand squeezing mine and see as he searched for another way for us to cross the paddock, without going in the way of my brother.

" Fleur, wait. Could we talk please? " Julien moved as soon as he realised we were looking for a detour that would take us in a different direction than where he was standing. I was glad Pierre was already a bit in front of me and took another step to be between us as he came closer.

" Think we already heard every piece of your mind you have about us. " Pierre spoke up as soon as he was an arm's length from us and opened his mouth to speak up. " You're here for your friend, so go, spend time with him. Leave us to our own peace. " He added, ready to finally leave and just get us back to the building.

" I'm talking to her, not you. Let her speak, or did she lose her tongue as well when getting with you? " Julien got angry without any reason, as Pierre's voice stayed calm throughout his whole statement.

" She let you know on many occasions that we're not interested in your opinions or takes on our life. Is that not enough for you? " I could see as he straightened up, squaring up to my brother even though their height difference wasn't on his side. " If you want to fix something I'm the one to talk to until she feels like talking to you. Or do you not care about what she wants and only your idea and plan matters? " In the middle of his words my hand slipped out of his as he turned fully towards Julien, but I didn't move anywhere as I wanted to stay close to them.

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