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I never thought the day would come when they finally would get a date for the restart of the season. But it happened and we finally had everything planned again as Pierre was called back home, to start training at home for the season. For the last month we had I went back to Paris as I had some offers from sports brands to do some photoshoots with them, before I would fly to Austria with the Alpha Tauri people. In the meantime I tried getting all of the future brand deals planned for the times I will be in their country, so I won't have to travel twice the amount than what I would do for the race weekends. Given the circumstances I didn't want to raise that amount for anything. I didn't plan on going home, as I didn't even want to be close to family right now, and I didn't plan on doing any vacations, as we were happy with the amount of flights we will have to go through during the year.

I caught up to them on Thursday, falling into the bed next to Pierre in our shared hotel room, as it was already late evening when my flight landed. I was craving sleep and nothing else, knowing full well the next few days will be full of things to do. Being official with him meant I won't have to look out for all the cameras and I could just walk around the paddock without a care for the outside world. I planned on taking advantage of my mess up and making it into something enjoyable as we could finally skip all the questions about what we actually are to each other. Everyone already knew the answer thanks to Julien although we still didn't announce anything, as we thought they already knew everything and we would just go with the flow. It felt less 'in your face' and we both thought it would show the fans and everyone following our lives that this was something in the background and changed nothing about who we are. It was probably more important for me, to not get connected to him and in the hole of being known as only a girlfriend rather than another human being who was leading her own life. It was probably lucky that my life wasn't as private anyways as some other partner's, and there were people who already knew me even before I met Pierre.

The only thing I wasn't looking forward to was waking up to an alarm again, but it happened for the next three mornings and I knew it would be part of our lives while I was allowed into the same room as him in the hotel. I was almost getting used to the usual music that meant we have like 10 minutes to get out of bed when we got to Sunday, making me humm sleepily when he turned the alarm off just seconds after it started, but still turned back to me after it was silent in the room again. Maybe this was the only bearable part of waking up, and I tried to enjoy it to the fullest in all of those 10 minutes we usually spent with staying in bed for a bit longer. He was the first one to get up in the end, leaving me to fully wake up while he took another shower. I was still just sitting on the side of the bed when he came out of the bathroom, but then I finally found some strength to push myself off it so I could get some clothes on so we could get some breakfast.

While Pierre had one last short training session with Pyry I made sure I had everything in my bag that I would need for the day and got the previous day's footage off my camera so I would have all the space for today that I could need. I never liked the idea of daily vlogs but I did try to film at least a little bit of footage every day so I had enough to work with at the end of it. With the upcoming race weekends it will probably be easier, although I didn't want to make it boring with always the same content. I was lucky that the countries and circuits were all different at least giving me different tourist sites. It would have been a lot harder to make every week's video unique without all the sightseeing we planned on doing outside of races and training.

„ Ready to go? " I heard Pierre from behind me and I just nodded a little before shutting down the top of my laptop. I put it aside on the bed before standing up and getting all my things together.

„ Yeah, let's go. " I added, stepping next to him and after kissing his cheek I left the room with him trailing behind me. We already had a car waiting for us, that took us to the entrance of the track from where we could take the walk to the team's motorhome.

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