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As soon as Pierre left our hotel room I dived into all the footage I gathered during the last week, to finally put together my usual vlog. Ever since the start of my channel this was the most time consuming part of everything. Getting used to the editing software helped tremendously, but I was still quite indecisive and choosing what should go into the actual vlog and what should stay out of it was hard work. Even harder with my brother making sure I knew he was against my choice of profession and hobbies on every given opportunity.

If those had been private talks it wouldn't have affected me half as bad probably. I never thought he would sink to such a deep level that he answers every and any questions thrown at him, not caring about my or our family privacy for any amount of time. From the first occasion to the last one, which happened just a few days ago, I couldn't wrap my head around what he got out of this little war that he fought with me inside his head. The only thing he achieved was that I ignored almost all of my comments on social media and under my videos as they were always about his made up or more like imaginary lies about either me, Pierre, our family or everyone altogether. Sadly, the fans who didn't know us enough usually took his side. He somehow managed to reach the F1 side too, turning long time fans of Pierre's into his haters without any real explanation or facts. It was just a complete shit show which got us to take a needed break from social media, leaving our accounts with Pierre's team to filter the comments and messages a little.

With a sigh I was about to get back to my laptop finally, leaving my thoughts behind, when I heard a knock on the door. At first I thought my mind just imagined the sound as I wasn't waiting for anyone to show up, but it was soon repeated. I quickly got out of the bed, taking the first shirt, which turned out to be one of Pierre's team t-shirts, to put over my sports bra. Between partners it wasn't one bit strange to sit around in it, and it probably would have been fine this time too, but I felt strange about opening the door to anyone in such an underdressed state. Just second after the door cracked open I was already glad about my decision as I was met with the sight of Pierre's PR personnel.

" Hi. I'm sorry but Pierre left already for the gym. I'm sure Pyry had the guys put it in his schedule. " I told her although she didn't look one bit surprised by my words. " You probably knew that, sorry. If it helps I can give him your message when he comes back. " I offered with a smile on my face that was never reciprocated from her side.

" I know. I came to talk to you, for which I'm glad he's gone. " Jenny nodded a little, my next breath getting stuck in my throat before I forced it down, stepping aside. My brain was screaming at me to just shut the door and literally close everything possibly painful out, but the realistic side of me knew I could never run forever from this conversation. She walked inside even before I had the chance to open the door wider.

She walked around the room like it was hers as well, while I could feel the tension bouncing off the walls with her every step towards the living room area. I would have never been able to tell it was the tension between us or the one that came off her as she probably knew her words made me nervous, most likely reasonably. In an instant, after I sat down across from her in one of the armchairs, even the t-shirt felt like it wasn't giving enough coverage from her eyes. I would have given everything for a chance to just stand up and leave the room, or at least her visual range, but at the same time I felt like I was buckled down to the chair.

" How can I be of your help? " I asked, forcing my voice not to tremble and show the nerves that were running around my whole body. She didn't look like speaking up, while I wanted to be done with it as soon as possible, prompting me to start the conversation finally.

" Firstly, I would like you to know this is nothing personal. I never had a problem with you and still don't have one. " She let out a sigh, my mind conflicted between believing her and suspecting it could only be a steep downhill from here. " You... or more like your family doesn't have the best influence on his public image. " She told me, her face completely blank, keeping locked away any kind of information that could help me to understand how she actually felt. Her words felt like a slap to the face, coming out of nowhere after that starting sentence. " It's not easy to keep something like that up and out of trouble... but this shouldn't be the one to mess it up. " Jenny added, as my brain slowly connected the dots into a picture that was similar to the ones it threw at me during my worst nightmares.

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