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Being home did actually help in a way. Although it was sometimes strange to be back in our family home, it felt great to spend time with my parents again. I couldn't even remember the last time I actually had more than a few days free to spend with them without having to keep up with training and media work. Usually when I came home for a couple of days, what I actually spent with them fully was like one or two out of my whole break. It was never easy as our season did take up quite a big part of the year, even the holidays sometimes. I felt crazy when I realised how much I missed them and the conversations we had all the time. It all made me think how many things I must have missed out on just because of focusing on my career and the sport I thought will give me everything I needed in life. Somehow now I didn't feel like it will anymore. It still offered the things I wanted years ago, but plans can change, and I felt like mine truly changed and I wasn't really looking forward to the goals I set at the start of my pro career.

My dad was actually glad there was someone finally to watch F1 with him, as my mum would never be a partner in that activity. Years ago my brother would be watching it with him, but since he moved out he always had to do it alone. They, of course, knew about Pierre, I would have never kept it as a secret from them, but they never met him before and I didn't really plan on inviting him here yet. Not for a longer lunch or dinner, maybe even with my brother attending too. They were just too chaotic sometimes. You could never know how a day would go by in this household.

That's why we planned our meeting after the Abu Dhabi GP at his place and not at ours. He spent a few days with his family before driving to Paris where he luckily had an apartment so we didn't have to stay at my parents' house. I would have loved to go for walks but with the state, my knee was in I knew it wasn't a possibility, so we chose films and series to binge-watch and mostly just chilled at home. He still did his usual training even though it was already off season, as he knew he probably wouldn't have the time during the Christmas mayhem that was coming up slowly. We also cooked together almost every day, so I could finally get some experience and skills I could use when I was going to be alone at home. It was one of those cooking days, while one of my favourite cartoon films was running on the TV when his mum called him so they could plan their Christmas day.

„ No, we didn't really talk about that. I don't know if she... " I heard his answer, and even though I never heard the question I knew it was probably about me. „ I can ask but I don't think... Yeah, okay. I will just ask. " He gave up with a sigh and I could hear his footsteps coming closer to the kitchen. I looked up from the pan curiously when I saw from the corner of my eye that he entered the room.

„ Would you like to come for Christmas dinner? " He asked, his phone off his ear so his mum wouldn't fully hear him talking. „ It's completely optional... my mum just wanted to know. " He added, probably trying to put less pressure on me, even though I didn't actually feel stressed about the idea.

„ I can if they really don't mind. " I answered, surprising him and even myself with how coolly I could decide about this. A couple of weeks ago I would have probably freaked out on a question like this. He was smiling as he gave my answer to his mum, who sounded happy at the news.

The next week flew by like the clock was on two times speed, and it was already the day before Christmas while I felt like it was just yesterday that Pierre came to Paris and I moved in with him. I did get anxious about meeting his family for the first when we got closer to the day it would happen, but he tried calming me down every time it happened, saying that they will for sure like me and there won't be any problems between them and me. I knew that he wouldn't lie to me, but it was still such a new territory for me that I didn't really know what to think about it. The worse was during the day before we would go to them, as I woke up stressed and had to probably restart my knee tape four times in the morning as I messed it up every time. What helped me calm down, in the end, was baking, which also gave me something that we could take with us, even though I knew they didn't ask me to do anything.

Waking up early the next morning was hard work, but the several alarms we sat did the work and we were up before the last one could go off. After a quick breakfast, Pierre took me back home so I could exchange gifts my family and could get ready for the evening. I tried to make it a calm few hours with me back home that the four of us could spend together, but it easily got out of hand. Julien just had to bring up my injury or more like recovery and didn't even stop there but went on to say that I didn't even deserve the perks I gained from being a part of the sports. Both of our parents tried to calm him down, but it was pointless.

„ I don't even know why you're still doing it if you can throw it all away this easily. " He shook his head angry at me as we sat on separate couches in the living room with Mum in between us, probably on the verge of a breakdown. His words still made me think and I just gained the last bit of confidence to say out what my thoughts have been running around the last few days.

„ I don't either. Maybe I won't even go back. " I said calmly, looking him in the eyes when my declaration finally shut him up. „ I have been thinking about it last season. Now I at least have a reason to do it. " I shrugged, feeling relieved that I said it out loud and made it actually official.

„ And what are you gonna do? Live on the streets? " He asked, although there wasn't even a drop of concern in his voice.

„ I could do lots of things. I have a channel that I could get back to, I still have my own sponsors and all the deals I still have to do, while maybe even travelling a little on my own accord. I could finally use my life to things I actually like and not things that I do because I was told to. " I answered his question, knowing quite well I'll have to plan a lot more than that, but I was up for the challenge.

Although in the last few years I only focused on training and competing, back when we had time to do such things I started a youtube channel and did challenges or travelling vlogs with friends from my team. I always enjoyed photography and even the editing part of putting together little videos of all our activities while we were in training camps or went somewhere for a competition. I had a few thousand subscribers and at least twice every year I tried restarting it but then never had to time to actually get back into it. Now with all the free time, my step back would mean I could probably give it a renovation and just start uploading different types of videos. Even if the end it wouldn't work well enough to build on it, I would have at least tried and didn't just gave up a hobby I abandoned years ago.

„ I will just go get ready. " I sighed when the clock on the wall got into my sight, making me realise that I should be leaving in almost an hour. Luckily none of them held me back and I could just walk upstairs to choose out an outfit.

At first, I didn't really know what I should wear but then just decided on a pair of black jeans and an off-shoulder maroon blouse. I did my usual minimal makeup and popped in my favourite silver earrings to match the necklace that I always had on. I really didn't want to out dress them by accident as I didn't know how much they liked to dress up for dinners like today. It was when I heard shouting from downstairs when I rushed to get a coat and my favourite black heels from my wardrobe. I quickly grabbed my purse that was already put together, before running down the stairs in record time.

„ Julien! Leave him alone for the love of God. " I shouted at my brother as soon as I got close enough to know he will hear me over his own shouting. I didn't even care about what he was saying to Pierre, I just pulled him back by his arm, so he wouldn't even think about hurting him in any way

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