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Next day >>>

I woke up from the bed and saw taehee was still sleeping so I decided to wake her up or else she'll be late for her school..

"Taehee-ah wake up" I Shaked her but she didn't woke up

"Mm dii let me sleep more 5 min" she said in sleepy voice...

"Okay then just five min" I said and went to bathroom to wash up

After 30 mins I came from bathroom and saw taehee still sleeping..

"Aishh this girl" I said to myself and shook my head

"Yaa taehee you are late you just have 5 min to go your school" I screamed and she flinched by my sudden action and fall from the bed

"What shit" taehee screamed and rushed into bathroom

"Hahahahahahaha" seeing her I laughed my ass off

I was drying my hair while taehee came in a rush and went to downstairs

"Yaa taehee wait" I said but she didn't listen to me so I also followed her

Taehee's POV

As I went to downstairs I saw my mom cooking in the kitchen. So I went towards her and grab an apple and was about to run when my mom said

"Yah where are you going?" Mom asked

"Eomma I don't have any time I'm late bye I'll talk to you later" I told her

"It's just 7:00am and your school starts 8:00 am then why are you in rush??" My eomma asked and I was shocked

"What 7:00 am??" I said and check time and then I heard someone laughing

"DIIIII" I screamed and chased her and she run away

"Sorry sorry!" She said while laughing

"DIi if I catch you then!" I told her

"I called you but you didn't listen to me you just ran out of the room" she said while hiding behind mom

"You shouldn't tell me that I have 5min" I whined

"Yaaaa you both stobbb" eomma shouted

Tae's POV

After freshing up I went downstairs for breakfast but when I was in stairs I stumbled... I saw deba wore that yellow dress and she was looking so cUtE...

"Omo are you okay??" Eomma asked and I just nodded..

While eating breakfast I was staring at her whole time.. she was giggling talking with my parents and my sister... *Why the fuck I'm staring at her??* "Aishh I'm going crazy?" I mumbled and ruffle my hair...

After breakfast taehee went to school and I told debadrita to wait for me in the living room.. and I went to change...

After sometime I came at living room and told her "let's go" and she just nodded...

After sometime I came at living room and told her "let's go" and she just nodded

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