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Moving was something that I didn't like to do. Sure, it's a brand new start in a brand new place, but fuck this. If I get knocked out one more time then I swear I'm gonna have more than minor head trauma cause this just can't be good for my health.

As usual, I didn't know what time nor day it was, only that I had somehow made my way into the actual house, or maybe crack shack is a more appropriate term. In reality, it was probably only a few hours later from when Johnny had gracefully told me about my new housing arrangements but I could never be sure. At least now I could see through the cracks of the wooden boards covering the windows, a day and night cycle is better than a shitty lightbulb or just utter darkness.

I could tell that I was wearing different clothes. I was wearing a shirt and pants much of softer material than any dress I've ever worn but I couldn't tell what it was. The thought of Jimmy having to change me didn't even cross my mind since I was so caught up in everything else, but you can't blame me.

I woke up on the sofa, eerily similar to the time that I "woke up" from being dead; it sent shivers down my spine, but it could've been the bedbugs. It was pretty dark aside from the soft glow of moonlight and the harsh shine from streetlights peeking through the wooden boards, though it didn't make it very far past the window. I sat up and cracked my neck before finally getting to stretch my body. There was a few pops and cracks due to how stiff I had been and the sudden relief was better than any massage I had ever had. Maybe I'll go to a chiropractor later, they'll probably help more. My eyes scanned the room for just a moment before I pushed myself off of the couch and I was honestly surprised when nothing shackled me to it, but it's not like I'm gonna just run. Johnny isn't a complete idiot and would definitely find out where I went and to be honest, I don't feel like dealing with my homicidal boyfriend all that much.

It had been what, months now? Over half a year anyway since I met him. In the few reluctant times that I've been here it's never changed yet it feels like the walls are moving and the ground is sinking. I suppose that's what it feels like where you're somewhere you're not meant to be, or rather somewhere where you wish you never came to. Doesn't matter regardless, if I'm gonna be living here without any chance of escape I'm gonna have to get used to it. Even if I did run and somehow managed to get away from this place it would only be so long until I met him or another certain hellish jerk in damnation. Man, like is fucked.

I started to slowly walk around the room, my limbs aching due to not moving properly in a while though it was easy to ignore as it's not the worst pain I've ever felt. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something I hadn't before, A plaque maybe? My curious it's got the better of me, and to my surprise, it was a gun. Suppose it isn't too surprising coming from Johnny, but why would it be behind some glass? The engraving on the frame read "This way to the great egress" which hinted that it was for a more grim purpose than just murdering someone else, but a small sticker on the glass saying "Break glass in case of overwhelming despair" basically confirmed that. Stepping away from the display case, it was evident that the metallic grossness died down quite a while ago so everything was much more... bearable than I remember, but the draft coming from god knows where didn't really ease any nerves.

You're only here because of a batshit series of events, Y/N. It's not too bad

Sometimes it's up to you to say that everything isn't bad, even when they fucking are. That's what happens when you're in a relationship with a murderer that you can't help but love. Shit happens and to survive you just have to go with them. That's probably the only reason that I am still alive as fighting would've gotten me killed months ago, yet here I am. I must've been so caught up in my own through text that I failed to realise that someone was behind me, so when they put their hand on my shoulder my first reaction was to punch them square in the face... ignore that thing I said about fighting.

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