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It's funny when you get used to a situation that you loathe. Everyday doing the same repetitive thing, you can finally feel some sense of calmness; In this situation of course I'm always on edge and either fearing for my life and groaning at how disgusting my captor is, but all the same the rhythmic schedule is somewhat keeping me sane.

Jimmy had came back after an hour and there was no signs of any sort of saviour coming to rescue me, and even after another week there was nothing. One month, maybe more, but I've spent at least one month locked up like some little bitch in some run down studio apartment. The only time I had to myself was when Mr. I'm saving you until marriage left here an there, and it was never for long. It was the only time I had where I wasn't being harassed by the kinky son of a bitch or forced to to housework like Cinderella. Thankfully he had left to do some errand.

I sat on the sofa wearing some of his old clothes. The outfit that I had been wearing for a few weeks straight that was definitely covered in dried blood and dirt was finally getting washed, so I had the absolute pleasure of wearing this musty bitches hand me downs. Surprisingly it was fairly comfy— He was around 6 foot tall so it was baggy so I was kinda cold, but I guess in this situation I can't really complain.

I was actually fairly lucky and also surprised  that he even bothered to get some sort of entertainment, but it was still shit. Like yeah he bought a TV but it was in real shitty black and white.  TV was the same as it always was. The same few shows playing on repeat because they were popular with the masses, even though the quality of them was horrible and they weren't even funny. Out of pure spite of those shows I opted to watch some dumb kids show instead. Those didn't completely numb my brain with senseless comedy. The bright colours were an odd refresher, but it took me out of my head for a while. I didn't like thinking anymore, but it's not like you can stop doing it unless you're dead... Well I died and it didn't stop me from thinking then, but all the same.

Before I could even think about being somewhat content with watching the show the door just had to burst open. Jimmy sang out my name but I intentionally ignored it, genuinely not caring about anything he had to do or tell me. He huffed and called it out again in a more serious tone this time, but got annoyed quickly enough that he just stomped between the TV and I like an angry toddler. "C'mon Y/N, I'm really trying here! I even got you another gift!" He whined. I hummed in response and tried to stretch to see the TV. "Wow okay. You won't have that attitude when you see your gift. You're gonna be so happy, I can feel it!" I glanced at him,

"Is it my freedom and a promise that you'll leave me alone forever?"


"Then I don't want it. Move please. See? I'm very polite, I even said please."

Jimmy sluggishly walked away and I almost felt bad for him, Almost. I still want to wack him over the head with multiple objects and maim him, but I guess he's trying? Eh, still a shitbag, I don't care. Ominous rustling could be heard from another room, presumably Jimmy getting whatever "gift" he got me. I huffed, the TV now barely audible.

"Now Y/N!" He shouted from the other room, "You're still sitting down, right?" I didn't even get to respond before he continued. "Well make sure that you are. You're gonna be so excited! I've saved up for months to get this. Just brace yourself!" The rustling stopped and he began walking back. I propped myself up sluggishly, deciding just to humour him with whatever he was doing. With a pep in his step, Jimmy entered the living room with a trash bag in his hand and an eager smile on his face. I raised an eyebrow at him, occasionally glancing from the bag to his face and so on.

After a few silent seconds of just looking back and forth Jimmy shoved the bag towards me, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet with excitement. I cautiously took it and sat it on the floor between my leg, and before opening I glanced at him. He nodded restlessly, murmuring a small "Go on" to try and tempt me to. I hummed, looking down at the bag for a moment before just plunging my hand into it. I scrunched up my nose, puzzled about feeling a strange fabric. I felt around, the fabric or at least the texture of it changing occasionally, but nothing to really write home about. I yanked whatever it was out of the bag, and for a second a looked at it confused, and then I held it up...

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